How To Get Rid Of The Summertime Face Oil ASAP

It’s summer, and in Houston that means it’s HOT. So having your make-up run down your face is, uhh, not cute! Literally, everytime I go outside and it’s so humid that I instantly feel like I need to shower again.  And while we all love that summer time glow, that summer time face oil, not so much. 

Here’s How To Get Rid Of The Summertime Face Oil In 60 Seconds

  1. Non oil based cleanser. Like this one or this one. It will help to prep your skin for what’s to come throughout the day. 
  2. Start using a toner like this one (love). Toners help to fully clean out pours and wipe away any previous dirt your skin may have and control your current oil situation. 
  3. Blot Away. Remember in high school when you used to blot your life away with those little blue packets? Well, after years of backlash, they are making a come back. Just remember to blot and not rub. Try this one or this one.  
  4. Set Your Make-up. This is a step that most of us skip (me included!) but I never skip it during the summertime. You’ll want a setting spray and a loose setting powder. You’ll also want to carry the setting powder in your purse. This is the best step for when you’re out and about and need to freshen up ASAP. 



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