Hi there!! Today I wanted to talk to you guys about Kayla Itsine’s and why I love her BBG guides.
But first, let me start with a little background about me for you all.
While I was at Baylor, I would walk around campus all day long, going to and from class. I would run to the gym, work out, run back to my house, and then walk back to campus and walk to the next class. Aka – if Fitbits would have been a “thing” at that time, I would have hit 10,000 steps easily and my little Fitbit would have been going off like crazy calling me an overachiever. #dailywins
Well flash forward to starting my job, and things are a little bit different. I mean, I work a desk job. Yeah, some days are different and I am running around from meetings to meetings, but for the most part, I am sitting all day long and my body hates me for it.
I quickly learned that my previous college workout routine was no longer working and I soon hit a rut. That’s until my friend Tera introduced me to Kayla Itsines and her 12 week BBG program. And ya’ll, I am obsessed. The work outs are SO good, and I am stronger than I have ever been.
So here is a little about Kayla.
Kayla is a 24 year old fitness phenomenon from Australia with over 3 million followers on Instagram, rather known as #kaylasarmy. Her BBG guide (Bikini Body Guide) is a 12 week long program consisting of 28 minute resistance training workouts, HIIT workouts and LISS workouts. For more information, you can read all about her here, in her interview with Yahoo Health. Afterwards, go check out her Instagram where you can see all of her amazing success stories. It’s crazy.
I just finished my first 12 weeks, and the reason I am so obsessed is because after I complete her workouts, I feel great about myself. And honestly, super proud that I was able to complete them. Now, did I achieve the perfect bikini body & a full proof 6-pack in those 12 weeks? Nope. Sorry, I like wine and margaritas way to much. But what I did see was toning and my confidence growing. So what I did achieve was my own perfect bikini body. One that I am happy and comfortable with, which is what Kayla’s whole mission is. It’s also really cool doing her guides because I feel connected to millions of girls that I don’t even know, but we are all apart of this ass kicking group together. It’s pretty cool.
&&& I can still fit in the workouts I love, like spin class, running, weights, and pilates.
I am currently completing the BBG program for the second time, and I am on week 2! So if you guys want to join me, here is the link to her guides!! Let me know what you think, & if any of you are apart of #kaylasarmy too!
I admire your strength and will power to follow this diet. I would like to do the same but I suffer from a very low self-control
Any tips to stay motivated? Thank you 
Thank you so much for you kind words! I struggle with self control too, especially when the people I’m around do not care about making the same healthy lifestyle choices as I do. That’s when its the worst! To keep me from losing motivation, I try and eat healthy 70% of the time, then I have a little lee way the other 30%. I don’t like to fully deprive myself. For example, if I know I have a friends birthday dinner coming up, I will eat very clean leading up to her dinner, so that way I can enjoy drinks and desert without feeling guilty. I just try and make the healthier option as much as possible, & I never keep anything in my pantry that may tempt me!
I hope that helps!