sandals (cheaper, cheaper) // jeans (the best!)// top // purse // lipstick // earrings (on sale!)
Hi guys!! Welcome back and happy Monday!!
I know we all usually dread Monday’s but try to think of today just as if it’s the first day of the new year. A new week to start over and kick ass.
Any who, I hope you all had a great weekend. We literally did nothing haha. Except for Friday! We went to El Tiempo for a little birthday celebration, and it was so much fun!! Even though we didn’t do a lot the rest of the weekend, I was able to get a little shopping in. Like picking up these beauty’s, for example. I have the black pair as well and I can honestly say they are the most comfortable and chic sandal in the world.
If you follow me on Instagram (@lifetolauren) you’ve probably noticed I have been wearing a lot of neutrals. Like a lot. It’s not even March yet and I can’t help but gravitate towards my spring wardrobe.
Along with this weekends purchase, the purse that Colton got me for my birthday, is also on repeat.
I’ve been picking more white tops over everything, as well as picking my blue & white denim over my favorite black jeans. I’m not ready to pull out the denim shorts yet, but in time it will come!
In other news, I’m really excited for Wednesday’s post! I’ll give you a hint… it has to do with spin classes! Can you guess??? &&& then I’ll be adding in a few rodeo looks towards the end of the week as well!
Have a great Monday!
Super cute girly! Love the look
Love this outfit on you, it’s adorable! The shirt is to die for!
XO, Rachel
Thank you so much!! <3