Outfit: Naked Zebra Top: Link // AG Jeans: Link // Tory Burch Sandals: Link // Ray Bans: Link // Hunter Rain Boots: Link
Incase you guys didn’t know….. tomorrow is Earth Day!!!!
This may sound weird, but I definitely think of Earth Day as a holiday. I’m all about dedicating a particular day to taking care of our wonderful earth and educating others on the little ways they can help to save it as well.
While I would like to stand on a corner all day long, holding a sign telling people to not litter, that’s just not realistic -lol. So the least I can do is share with you guys a few ideas on how you can celebrate Earth Day on your own.
- Go Outside. First things first, spend as much time as possible outside! Enjoy the air and this beautiful world that we have. Go for a hike if you can. If you’re working, take lunch outside! Just make sure not to litter
- Turn the faucet off. Whether you are brushing your teeth or doing the dishes. If you’re not directly using the water, turn the faucet off until you need it!
- Plant something! Double points for planting something like a tree! I am taking this earth day to really plant all of my flowers on my porch. I have been working on it for a few weeks now and it’s finally coming together!
- Swap out your light bulbs. Colton and I switched all of our lights to CFLs a few months ago and because of the large amount of energy they save, it has cut our electricity bill in half!
- Walk through your house and unplug anything that is not being used. This goes for things as simple as a phone charger! When something is plugged in to the wall, whether it’s being utilized or not, it is still using electricity!
- Turn the Lights Off. Make sure all of your lights are off when you leave the house.
- Invest in a Reusable Water Bottle (I mentioned this, here!) Instead of wasting so many plastic ones, buy one that you can reuse everyday.
- Start a recycling unit in your house. We use our weekly grocery paper bags from Whole Foods as our recycling bags and have them sitting right next to our trash can. It’s as easy as that!
- Throw your trash away and stop littering! Why litter? I mean really, no body likes a litter bug.
- Go meatless for a day. Reducing meat consumption conserves fresh water, saves topsoil, and reduces air pollution!
Have a great day everyone!!!!
Do you guys have a special tradition that you like to do on Earth Day?