Outfit Details: Shirt // Shorts (favorite ever) // Shoes // Mat (similar)
Hey guys!! We’re half way through the week, HOLLLA!
First, I just want to say, I LOVE seeing all of ya’lls BBG snapchats. It literally makes my heart so happy. You guys, are rockstars.
Second, I wanted to take the time today to answer everyone’s questions on the BBG program. In this post, I asked you guys to send me all of your questions on the program. Since I am halfway through the second round, and have received so many snaps/questions recently, I decided to go ahead and do my whole Q&A post a little early.
What do you do for LISS?
My LISS usually consists of walking/running twice a week & then spin class once a week. When I first started LISS, I would try and do the stair stepper for 35-40 minutes and got extremely bored very fast. So next, I tried going on walks for “Low Intensity” but because I am already very active, this wasn’t enough for me. So I went back to my saving grace and first love of running. I didn’t make running an option at first because Kayla says it’s supposed to be “Low Intensity”, but I knew very soon that I needed to run.
As of now, I’ll usually do one of two things. I’ll either run for 10 minutes and walk for 5 minutes until I reach 45 minutes, or I’ll walk for 5 minutes on incline then run for 35 minutes then walk for 5 minutes.
Are you using the App or do you use the Original Guide?
I use the app and it’s the bomb. They also just got it for Androids this past week!
Are you just repeating BBG 1.0 over and over again (which you can do!) or have you moved onto BBG 2.0?
Originally, I repeated BBG 1.0 3x before moving onto BBG 2.0. When I first started, I just repeated 1.0 over again because that was the only guide that I had. But when I went ahead and got the app, I completed 1.0 more time and then was automatically carried onto 2.0.
The workouts kind of seem repetitive, do the workouts change in 2.0?
YES! The workouts definitely changed and I am loving it. The first one has to be repetitive because it’s preparing your body and making you stronger in the areas you need for future workouts.
I love 2.0 because it’s more of what I am used too. There are really fun new moves and you do a lot more weighted circuits. The best part is that I haven’t had to do like one stair step! If you’re doing 1.0, you know what I am talking about and you know those bad boys can get old really quick.
Are you paying each week or did you buy the 3 month package and save $5?
I actually pay per month. Because I use the app, which is $20 a month, I don’t have the option of paying a lump sum. The 3 month package was only for her original Bikini Body Guides.
So, if I originally bought the guides, do I still have to pay monthly for her app?
Sadly, yes. Unfairly to you guys, I was gifted the original BBG guides from a friend who wanted me to do it with her, so having to pay for the app didn’t bother me as badly. But for anyone who did purchase her guides & is hesitant to do the app, it’s completely understandable.
You said in your original post that you do each exercise twice within one 7 minute circuit. That seems like a lot, are you over working?
If you read through Kayla’s original guidelines and tips, she says that you should aim to complete each exercise as many times as you can within the 7 minute circuit. For me, that’s usually twice. If I did just each exercise just once within the circuit, I would be twiddling my thumbs waiting for the next one to start.
But that is JUST ME. I was already working out 6 days a week when I started the program. If you’re a beginner and you can only complete each one, once within the 7 minute circuit then that is completely fine. You’re awesome because you’re trying and you’re doing it anyways. Go at your pace, keep moving & keep doing what you have to do to reach your goals.
And trust me, there are some training days where there is no way I can complete everything twice in under 7 minutes (I’m talking to you week 18 legs), but that’s okay because the workouts are that hard and within those 7 minutes, I am working the whole time.
What’s your typical BBG week look like?
Because I started out with the actual guidelines and not the app, I still do it the way she originally formatted it too.
Monday: Legs + 10 minute walk
Tuesday: LISS (walk/run 45 minutes)
Wednesday: Arms + 15-20 min run or 15 min on stair stepper
Thursday: LISS (walk/run 45 minutes)
Friday: Abs + 15-20 min run or 15 min on stair stepper
Saturday: Spin Class (45 minutes)
Sunday: Rest + Stretch
That’s it for now! If you haven’t read my original post on How To Conquer BBG, you can read it, here!
If you have any others questions, just shoot me a message! Also, if you aren’t already, be sure to follow me on snap chat (Lauren_smith6)! This is where I talk about BBG and my daily workouts the most!
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