As of this weekend, I’ve officially been out of school for two years. TWO YEARS. That’s literally crazy to me. Graduation literally feels like it was just yesterday and all of the emotions I had on that day still come flooding back to me. It has been two years, and I still feel like the same girl who had no idea what life was like after graduation. That same girl who got teary-eyed as she walked out of the Business School, after her last exam ever. Not because I was so sad to be taking my last test (lol), but because I knew things were about to change.
That this little bubble I had been living in was about to be popped, real fast.
Don’t worry though, I’m not writing this to make anyone feel sad or nervous about Graduation. These are just my thoughts that I reminisce on every once in awhile. This whole time of year makes me very nostalgic, especially since I’m very close to so many people graduating this year.
I remember walking into Ferrell Center (Where we hold Graduation at Baylor) and seeing thousands of people in the stands, cheering for the soon to be Graduates. The energy in the air was indescribable. All that I could think of was “Wow, this is it.” This is the moment that people work their whole lives for. This is moment I have been working towards for so long.
Every test, paper, long night, no-sleep, stress, & happiness was all leading up to this ONE moment.
Pretty remarkable.
Jeeze, here I am getting teary eyed again – where was I?
Oh yeah, Graduation.
( Click here to see how excited I was on my Graduation day! ! )
Every moment in my life had been leading up to this moment. Even elementary through high school, it was all for this. When Colton graduated, he did not feel this way – lol. He was just so ready to get out of there. But I wasn’t, I was scared. I was so excited but I was also so scared because I loved college. I was scared to leave my life. The life that I adored so much.
For me, graduating was hard. I’m not going to lie, I bawled my eyes out when I moved out of my college home where I had lived with my best friends the past three years. But once again, this isn’t a post meant to make you feel sad or scared. I want you to know that you are one of thousands of kids graduating, who all have the same rush of emotions that you do.
But you know what? You’re going to be okay!
You’re graduating from college!!! Something that most could only dream about. You worked hard for this and you deserve this degree. Whether you have a job immediately or not, you should be so proud! Yes, you’re going to miss getting to see your college friends everyday, there is no doubt about that. You’ll definitely realize you took that daily 3pm nap for granted, and that those fun made up holidays like “Pre Halloween” no longer exist. But you’re going to be okay! Your first three months are going to be the hardest. It’s a transition, this is normal. But once again, you’re going to be justtttt fine!:)
So be proud and stand tall on your Graduation Day! You worked hard and you deserve every moment of it. Everyone in that stadium is cheering for you. You’ll never forget college and you will reminisce on it a lot, there’s no doubt about that. You’ll cherish the memories forever.
But I’ll tell you one thing. I know everyone says that college is the best years of your life, but I don’t think that’s true.
I truly believe that the best years are yet to come
Congratulations To All Graduating!