If you guys follow me on Instagram, then you know that on Sunday I officially completed BBG 2.0 and as of this week have started BBG 3.0! So please pardon the sweat mess & rosy cheeked pictures above. I thought about doing a different kind of shoot, but shooting these right after my last workout seemed a lot more appropriate and more raw.
The transformation my body has gone through, only using my body weight and maybe 10 lb weights is crazy. I’m so excited to see what 3.0 brings. I will admit I’m not in my ideal shape, but that’s because I was on vacation for over two weeks and haven’t been eating the best since I have been back due to a lot of engagement celebrations. Despite all of this, I’m still really proud of myself and have continued to become more and more toned.
I wanted to do this review for you because I get a lot of questions asking if continuing onto 2.0 is worth it, if the app is worth it, or if they should just repeat 1.0 over and over instead of buying the new one.
So here are the things I have taken away from BBG 2.0
- Yes, continuing onto 2.0 is worth it. This is because after repeating 1.0 over and over again, I did not see any progress and I soon plateaued giving up all together the first time around.
- I have a core! I mentioned this in my last post, & I keep saying it because it’s shocking to me. Even in school at about 5 lbs less that I am now, I didn’t have a core. I couldn’t flex my stomach muscles and could never figure out why I had this belly fat even though I ate correctly and worked out. My stomach has always been my problem area, and for the first time I am proud of it and comfortable showing it.
- I’m really strong. The first time I did a burpee into a box jump, I had a real moment. I never would have thought that I would be able to do that. Knowing that I was capable of that,
- The workouts do change a lot from 1.0 & they are harder.
- Almost every workout is a full body workout that involves your core, which is probably why my core has gotten so much stronger.
- Get used to lots of burpees, planks & jumps. Don’t worry though it won’t be as bad as you think.
- In 1.0, I could usually complete 2 rounds in 7 minutes but in 2.0 in most, that is almost impossible.
- Towards week 20-24, instead of doing 4, 7 minute circuits you do 2, 14 minute circuits.
- I’ve lost a significant amount of cellulite in my thighs and bottom. As well as losing inches in my love handles.
- There is no way you could do 2.0 without completing 1.0. Bottom line. You have to gain the right kind of muscles and stamina to be able to do the workouts.
If you are thinking about starting BBG, be sure to check out my post on How To Conquer BBG Like A Pro.
I’ll be answering more BBG questions in a future post, so be sure to send them to me
I just finished BBG 1.0 week 4 and this is seriously my favorite routine! I had to double up on a couple of workouts this week because of weekend plans, but I like the idea of doing each week twice. It allows me to see just how much progress I’m making. Week 2 workouts took me FOREVER to get through, I definitely didn’t finish a single circuit in the allotted time. But doing them again in week 4, I was able to finish every one with time to spare and with less breaks! I only wish I would’ve started sooner. The BBG community is amazing and really keeps me motivated!
Oh my gosh Hilery this is amazing!!! I am so happy to hear it. Keep going!! The more you go on, the easier it will get! Well, not easier, but because you’ll be stronger it will feel easier. I am so proud of you, keep up the work honey!! It will pay off
Awe thank you Lauren!
It’s been a journey but I feel so much stronger and energetic!
I hope you have a wonderful Engagement Party! The fun officially begins
Hi! I have the app and have just finished bbg stronger 1, how do I move onto 2?