Outfit Details: Christmas Pajama Set: Nordstrom | Personalized Mug: Anthropologie // Fuzzy Socks: Nordstrom
Happy Friday Loves!
One of my favorite Christmas traditions, is sleeping in my Christmas pajamas for Christmas. I started this tradition with my little sister when she was much younger and it is something we have just continued to do. I never really did this growing up, but it is something that Hannah and I have started and really love! As you guys know, we are 10 years apart and sometimes I feel more like her mom than her sister. Even though she has majorly outgrown me. The first time we went to get Christmas pajamas, we went on Christmas Eve and the stores were packed and everything was super picked over. So we have definitely learned from that.
Now, I try and pick them up ahead of time! With blogging, I’m kind of used to really having to plan ahead and buy things in advanced for posts. Which is why I started my search for Christmas pajamas even further in advanced than usual. I found a few that I really liked because they were so festive, but ultimately fell in love with this set I am wearing. I also loved this nighty, these pants, and how funny is this pajama shirt? Oh and I LOVE this set. It just looks so soft & warm. I’m also kind of loving this one for the guys out there. Maybe I’ll get Colton in on the action this year – lol!
If you look in the top right hand corner under my ‘Christmas Shop’ Tab, you’ll see my Pajama Party Page. Click that to see all of my top Christmas Pajama Picks!
This weekend, we have two Christmas parties. One at my Mom’s and one at Colton’s parents. Both will be super fun and are more on the casual side. I’m actually really looking forward to them. Other than that, no major plans! We surprised my little sister with a puppy last night and stayed at my Dad’s until super late helping him put up his tree, so I’m kind exhausted today! We’ll see if I do anything tonight – lol.
Also, don’t forget! If you are planning on doing anymore online shopping for gifts, I recommend not doing it any later than today! Just to be on the safe side
Well okay, I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!