Colton & I: Four Random Things We Love About Each other

screen-shot-2017-02-13-at-7-28-39-pmhis & her valentine's day photo shoothis & her valentine's day photo shootScreen Shot 2017-02-13 at 7.23.52 PM.pnghis & her valentine's day photo shoothis & her valentine's day photo shoothis & her valentine's day photo shootScreen Shot 2017-02-13 at 7.26.09 PM.pnghis & her valentine's day photo shootScreen Shot 2017-02-13 at 7.31.20 PM.pnghis & her valentine's day photo shootScreen Shot 2017-02-13 at 7.37.55 PM.pngLauren’s Outfit Details – High/low White Top: Revolve (Less Expensive Option) | AG Jeans: Nordstrom | Sandals: Steve Madden |  Similar Light Blue Purse: Rebecca Minkoff

Colton’s Outfit Details – Pants: Bonobos | Henley: Bonobos 

Happy Valentine’s Everyone! I hope that today you are all celebrating the day of love in itself. Whether you’re showering your significant other with love, your sister, your best friend, your parents or yourself. Use today to show everyone in your life love, because we all need a little lovin. In honor of Valentine’s Day though, I thought it would be fun to share 4 things Colton and I love about each other. Last year, we did a Valetine’s Day Q&A and you guys loved it so I wanted to bring him back this year as well!

This year, we are taking Valentine’s Day very easy. We’re staying at home, cooking dinner together and probably sharing a bottle of wine. No TV, no phones and no computer. Just music and conversation 🙂 

About Colton 

  1. The way he always tickles me.  I’m obnoxiously ticklish and like, even the thought of someone tickling me makes me squirm. He thinks it’s absolutely hilarious-lol. Whether I am really upset or just playing around, it always puts me in the best mood. 
  2. Colton is very smart & very athletic. Like I don’t know how to explain it, but he is definitely kind of nerdy, and at the same time just a natural athlete. I’ve never seen him be bad at something. He just picks up everything so easily. Growing up, I really had to try in school and I was the opposite of being athletic so this is something I have just always admired about him.
  3. His love for Bentley. I know that may sound weird, but you have to understand, Bentley is literally like our child. I got Bentley six months before Colton and I started dating, and I think apart of me was always worried that Colton wouldn’t love Bentley the way I do. Luckily, that’s not the case at all. When I say Colton loves Bentley, he LOVES Bentley. They have these cuddle sessions every morning, which actually kind of annoys me because I am not included, but nonetheless, it’s still really sweet to watch. He is constantly working with him on new tricks and the moment Bentley even the least bit looks sick, Colton has a heart attack. I think the reason I love this so much about him, is because it kind of gives me a glimpse of the kind of Dad he will be one day. 
  4. His random acts of kindness. Colton is unexpectedly, very thoughtful. I mean, these are not overboard gestures, but he just does little things for others that I think we all sometimes forget to do. For example, he is really good about calling friends he hasn’t talked to in awhile. Just to catch up and see how they’re doing. He always opens the car door not only for myself, but all women. No matter what, every single night, he brings me water and puts it next to my bed side table and if he picks up the groceries and notices we don’t have flowers, he always picks some up because he know’s that’s what I would do. They’re just things he doesn’t have to do, but always does. 

About Lauren 

  1. Her Type A Personality. Whether it is being on time wherever we go, making the bed every morning, or looking her best, she keeps our lives in order. She makes me want to get out of bed in the morning and put my best foot forward. Her promptness and attention to detail is something I have always really loved about her because it is a trait I do not posses. Lets just say that if it wasn’t for Lauren, we would never make it to a flight 2 hours early. 
  2.  Lauren’s confidence in me. For some reason she has the most confidence in me. She is always pushing me and knows I can achieve more. She constantly wants the best for me and reassures me that I can achieve whatever I want in this life. She’s without a doubt,  my number one fan. 
  3. The way she ‘snorts’ when something is really really funny. When she thinks something is hysterical,  she will work herself up into a laughing frenzy and forgets to breath a little bit. When she starts trying to breath, she kind of makes a snorting sound… then she gets even more embarrassed, still trying to breathe, and then lets out another. It turns into an endless cycle. It is one of the cutest things, and she can’t control it once they start.
  4. Lauren lives life to the fullest. She is always wanting to make a memory and she LIVES for experiences. She wants to see everything, do everything, and experience everything this world has to offer. I always know that the next great adventure is around the corner. She also makes me appreciate the little things. I love this most about her because she constantly reminds me to pick my head up and appreciate this great world God has given to us. 


Lauren & Colton


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Photography: Elizabeth Jones Photography