Welcome To My New Site!!

LifetoLauren New Site RevealLifetoLauren New Site RevealLifetoLauren New Site RevealLifetoLauren New Site RevealLifetoLauren New Site RevealPajama TopLifetoLauren New Site RevealOutfit Details – Top: Bloomingdales | Black Jeans: Paige | Pumps: Louboutin | Clutch: Tory Burch (15% off) | Black Ray Bans: ShopBop (15% off)

Good Morning & Happy Monday you guys!!! 

Welcome to my new site! Can you even tell anything is different? lol

While I was designing everything, I sent a preview to my Mom to see what she thought about it and she replied back “I don’t get it, what’s different? Is this your site?”

“Insert Palm Hitting Forehead Here” 



Anyways (lol) in her defense, once I stepped back and looked at it all, I realized to the outsiders view (aka you guys) really little has changed. I like to think of it as if my site just got a really good face lift. Like, it definitely looks better, but you just can’t quite put your finger on what has changed. 

Does that make sense? Anyways.

So what changed you asked? Basically, I switched hosting sites. Previously, I was on WordPress.com and now I am on WordPress.org. Which means I have the capability to bring a lot more to you guys. For example, if you look to the right, you can now easily search my Archives for past posts. You’ll also see a slide show of items I am currently loving (which I will update weekly) and a list of everywhere I shop.  The new site should also be easier for you all to comment on, to save to your Pinterest boards and all around make my life a lot easier. Before, while on my previous hosting site, I had to do a lot of things the hard way. Things that should have only taken me ten minutes, would take me two hours and it was just getting really old…

You’ll also see above on my main menu bar, there is now a SHOP MY LOOK tab. On there, you will be able to easily shop every outfit I post on Instagram without having to worry about or mess with finding the original email you received from Liketoknowit. 

So while it may not look like a lot has been done, a ton actually has changed. This has been a work in progress for almost three months. I originally had the option to just pay someone to switch everything over for me, but I went the hard way instead and decided to do it myself. I do have to say though, it was a really good learning experience. I can’t take all of the credit though, I had a lot of help. Like shoutout to Caleb from Bluehost who sat on the phone with me for 4 1/2 hours  one night (we basically became bff’s) and helped me move all of my content from my old site to my new site and then Hector from Bluehost as well, who did everything in his power, all day long Friday to make sure my site got back up and running properly. Ya’ll are the real MVP’s. . 

In the end, I’m really pleased with how it turned out and I hope you guys like it too!

It’s weird, because I still have screen shots of my first, first site and it’s crazy for me to see how far a long everything has come and how much it has all changed.

So take a look around and let me know what you think!

This past weekend, Colton was in Vegas for a Bachelor Party, so I had the whole weekend to myself! With all of the traveling we have benign doing recently, I feel like I haven’t had time to be home or really relax recently. Because when we are home, we are running around like crazy doing errands and making time for friends & family. This past weekend though, I was really able to rejuvenate and recharge my soul. Recently, I think I have been so stressed with everything that I haven’t felt like myself and finally after this weekend, I feel so much better! Don’t get me wrong, I missed Colton like crazy, but it was still nice just having full on me time.

The highlight of the weekend though was definitely finding my wedding dress! I am usually the most indecisive person in the entire world, but this was one thing I did not have a problem with. We went to one boutique, and it was like the sixth dress I tried on! I just knew 🙂  Would you guys want a whole post on this? Let me know. I’m thinking about writing one for Wednesday!

Have a great week loves <3




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  1. Your site is looking beautiful! WordPress.org has been great for me as well and what’s hilarious is I think I have talked to (and loved) perhaps the same Caleb from Bluehost. Congrats on the wedding dress, Lauren! Would love to read a post on it. xoxo

    Posted 3.6.17
  2. Lora wrote:

    Would love a post about your wedding dress- congrats btw on finding it!!

    Posted 3.6.17
  3. Your site looks great!! I could definitely tell a difference!

    Posted 3.6.17
  4. Julie wrote:

    Congrats on finding your wedding dress! That’s so exciting……the site looks AMAZING! I’ve been considering switching over to wordpress.org and this is giving me major inspiration!

    Posted 3.8.17

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