Black Spring Time Dress

How To Wear Black In The SpringHow To Wear Black In The SpringHow To Wear Black In The SpringHow To Wear Black in The Spring Time How To Wear Black In The SpringHow To Wear Black In The SpringHow To Wear Black In The SpringHow To Wear Black In The SpringHow To Wear Black In The SpringOUTFIT DETAILS

Dress: Show Me Your Mumu | Wedges: Nordstrom (Less Expensive Version) | Purse: Clare V | Sunglasses: Rayban | Watch: March Jacobs 

Good Morning, Good Morning! 

How was everyone’s weekend? Ours was really nice! Just another beautiful weekend here in Houston. I swear, when this weather leaves us,  I am going to be seriously heart broken. We spent majority of the weekend outside, hanging out with friends & running errands.  It was one of those weekends where I feel like we had zero down time, but at the same time, we weren’t exhaustingly busy. It was just a very nice weekend. 

As I told you guys last week, Colton and I will be moving at the end of April. Which we are really excited about! The problem is, is that Colton and I will be moving from having a his & hers closet in our bedroom to sharing a closet….. This is giving me serious anxiety because I seriously have no idea how to make it work, nor how all of our stuff is going to fit. So if you guys have any advice on sharing a closet with your significant other, please send it my way!  In the mean time, I have been doing some major purging in efforts to make some room. Colton always gives me a hard time because I have a closet full of clothes, I mean packed, and yet, I seriously wear like the same 15 outfits over and over and over. There are pieces in my closet that I love and wear occasionally and then there are pieces in my closet that I love, love and want to wear everyday. This dress is one of those love, loves that I could wear every single day. 

When it comes down to deciding which pieces make the love, love category of my closet, I think it boils down to how I feel in the outfits when I wear them. I could have the cutest & trendiest top, but if I wore it one time and didn’t feel 100% comfortable in it, then there is a pretty good chance it won’t be worn for awhile. I have actually owned this Show Me Your Mumu Dress for over 2 years now and when I say I wear it a lot, I’m not kidding. It is seriously one of my favorite pieces. Mainly because not only is it cute & flattering, but it’s also incredibly comfortable. When I saw that Show Me Your Mumu brought it back this season, I obviously had to share it with you guys! 

Normally, I am not a huge fan of wearing black in the spring time, but when it is done right, I really like the contrast! When wearing black, I suggest:

  1. Wearing it with a spring / summer wedge, like these
  2. Accessorizing it with a contrasting purse, as opposed to wearing black on black. 
  3. Brighton up your accessories! Bright earrings like these Kendra’s would have looked so cute with this look! 

Anyways, I hope you all have a great week! This week, I think we are just getting ready and preparing for this weekend. We will be heading to Austin on Thursday for a wedding (Colton’s the Best Man!), so we will just be getting ready for that! 







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