Floral Dreams Dress

Outfit Details

Dress: Show Me Your Mumu | Sandals: Steve Madden | Purse: Rebecca Minkoff 

Hello – Happy Wednesday!

We are half way through the week!  I don’t know about you guys, but for some reason, as soon as Wednesday hits, I get a rush of adrenaline and all I can do is think about the weekend and my up coming plans. Wednesday’s are usually the days I get my nails done, get a spray tan and do whatever else I need to do to prepare for the weekend. Especially if we are going out of town like we are this weekend! Do you guys get like this?!

Anyways, in honor of it almost being the weekend, I wanted to share this super flirty little spring dress with you all. Spring is in the air and I have been living in florals. Sundresses have been my absolute favorite and I have loved seeing pops of bright blue and pink in all of my favorite stores. This dress is another Show Me Your Mumu dress (Monday’s post was one as well), which was totally not planned! Their dresses are just so comfortable, relaxing and fun! I especially love the back on this one! I can think of a million events I want to wear it to this spring & summer. 

Recently behind the scenes of LtoL, I have had a lot on my mind and a lot going on. Especially with wedding planning! I was talking to my wedding planner yesterday and I just kept thinking “oh my god this is really happening.” It’s kind of scary! The thing is though, I am not scared about getting married. That’s the easy part. It’s all the wedding planning and coordinating all of our guests that has me a little stressed right now! I know it will all work out in the end though, so I am trying to put my worries aside. Anyways, enough of that -lol. 

Here are 5 Random Things Going On In My Life

  1. Reading: For the past few months I haven’t been sleeping well and have been in kind of a funk, so I have been making it a special point to read everyday for at least 30 minutes. I have been doing this for my anxiety, for my stress & for knowledge. Especially before bed as opposed to watching TV. Doing this has been incredible for my anxiety and I swear has helped me to sleep better at night. 
  2. The Whole 30: I have been considering doing the Whole 30 now for months and I think I am finally ready to do it. I mean I really want to. I have been asking everyone around me to do it with me, and so far not everyone has been super on board… so if any of you guys want to do it with me, let me know! 
  3. Adios Negative Words. I recently read this article pertaining to negative words and it really made so much sense. In emails, in text messages and in life, sometimes the negative words we are using are affecting us and we are not even aware of it. For example, instead of saying “Why not?” you say “Sounds good!” or instead of saying “No problem” you say “Definitely!”. Words like not, no, can’t, unfortunately and don’t are all negative words. You can read the whole article here
  4. The Meaning of Marriage by Timothy Keller. This is currently my favorite book on my bookshelf. Whether you are single, engaged, dating or in a long time marriage, it shows you the vision of what marriage should be according to the bible. I highly recommend it. You can find it here
  5. Afternoon Walks: My afternoon walks with Bentley have currently been my favorite part of my day. Not only does it help me hit my steps for the day (lol) but I have been using it as almost a form of meditation. I make sure I do not look at my phone and instead just really focus on enjoying just being. 




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  1. Jessica wrote:

    Love it! Can I ask what kind of undergarment you wear with an open back dress? I love this look but have never been able to pull it off because of the bra issue ha! Thanks!!

    Posted 3.29.17
    • LifetoLauren wrote:

      Hi Jessica! I am very, very small chested so all that I wear are silicon petals! You can find them here http://rstyle.me/n/cjc59db6cef


      Posted 3.29.17
      • Jessica wrote:

        Same here! Thanks!!

        Posted 3.30.17
    • Hey Jessica. I wear these strapless backless bras that stick on with an adhesive. I buy them at Target for about $20 ✨

      Posted 3.29.17
      • Jessica wrote:

        Thank you! Definitely have to check those out!

        Posted 3.30.17
  2. I’m so excited for you to do whole30 and I love this dress! Anything backless is my fave!

    Posted 3.29.17

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