Life Lately

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 shorts | pink top | sandals (size up!)| hat | purse | lipstick | sunglasses

Good Morning and Happy Monday Loves!

After a week away for traveling, I am finally home and it feels so amazing!

As you guys know, I left last Tuesday for a quick girls trip to Charleston then flew from Charleston to Tucson to surprise Colton’s Papo for his 70th Birthday. His Papo follows me on all social media, and reads the blog every once in a while, so I wasn’t allowed to even mention a peep of our travel plans on here! For good reasons though lol.

All in all, the trip was awesome, both Charleston & Tucson, but it feels so good to be home! I’m especially happy to be home snuggling with a Bentley. I miss him so much when we are gone!

I wanted to take today to talk a little bit about life lately with you all. Kind of get everything out in the open and answer a few questions you all have been sending over recently. You know, knock it all out in one post.


We’re less than four months away from the wedding, and let me tell you, my anxiety has been at an all time high because of it – lol. Not that the planning has been overly stressful or anything, it’s just, I know it is going to be here before I know it and I feel like I still have so much to do. Last week was the anniversary of Colton’s and I engagement and I couldn’t believe how fast this year has already gone by. The next four month are going to fly and I just can’t help but feel overwhelmed when I think about it. I honestly wish I could just skip over the next few months and it just be my wedding day already. You know, fast forward everything in between.

All of our Save the Dates are out though (do you guys want a post on them?), guests are making arrangements, we’re scheduling our last big trip out to the Valley before the wedding and this weekend I am taking (most) of my bridesmaids shopping to pick out their bridesmaids dresses! I’ll be getting my dress altered this month, scheduling my bridal portraits, finalizing my bachelorette party, putting together our invitations and everything else in between.

I’m just trying my best to not let my anxiety take over and just enjoy these last few months. Be prepared for a lot of upcoming wedding posts! If you guys have any specific requests – please send them my way!


I think that in life, no matter what we do, we all tend to go through spurts of amazing growth, adrenaline and creativity and then other times we get stuck on the flat road in between. This past month, I have been so stressed with work, the blog, and the wedding that I have gotten incredibly behind on everything. A lot of you send me messages asking me how I do it all and how “inspiring” it is that I am able to manage everything and the truth is, is that I don’t. Everyday is a struggle and I could not accomplish half of what I do without my Dad and Colton constantly being there and helping me on a daily basis. In the past few weeks, I feel like I haven’t been giving you guys the content you deserve nor giving my job the effort it requires. I’ve just been in the awkward, uninspired – unmotivated –  stressed and stagnate stage. But after this week off, I have felt more inspired and ready to work than I have in the past few months. I’ve never been so ready for a Monday morning in my life.

To try my best to avoid getting in this rut again, I am really going to try and put together a better schedule to help me balance it all. Whether I decide to start posting only three days a week (I know, I’m sorry, I’m hoping it doesn’t come to this) or what I will be doing, I do know I have to make a major change to get my life more organized and to stay focus in the next few months leading up to the wedding. It’s the only thing I can do to avoid going to loony town lol.


Between today and our honeymoon, Colton and I have 10 trips planned. For some of you, that may not seem like a lot, but for me it’s like holy cow! Between family vacations, friends weddings, Bachelor/Bachelorette parties, Napa trips and Fashion Week, our schedule is jam packed. The good news – we’ll be making lots of memories, I’ll have lots of content for you guys and we’ll be racking up those United miles – ha! The bad news – Mr. Bentley gets left at home for most of them.


As you guys know, Colton and I moved into our new apartment in April and it is slowly but surely coming together! We love it and we love (I mean, LOVE) our new space but to be honest, it hasn’t started to feel like home yet. I think it is because we haven’t completely settled in and have been traveling so much. There’s still a lot that needs to be done, so the weekends that we are home, I really want to take the time to start making it feel like “us”. Finally fully unpack everything, hang every picture and etc. Hands down though, I can already tell you that our bedroom is by far my most favorite room in our home. It’s so inviting, perfect and cozy.

This will be the first room that I share with you guys!


When we hit three months out to the wedding, I plan on putting my Bridal Fitness Plan into full effect. The reason I am not doing it sooner, is because I am not trying to lose a ridiculous amount of weight or anything. I am just going to focus on leaning out and tightening up a little bit. Plus, If I said I was going to become super strict and cut out all alcohol, sugar and carbs the six months leading up to the wedding, I would be lying. So instead, I am taking this month to try out different things and get a full plan together. I’m also considering putting BBG on pause for a little bit – but we will see!

I do have to say though, my mom put her plan into effect in February and my goodness you guys, she is KILLING it. It has been so inspiring to watch her on this journey and I am just so proud of her. It’s incredible how the smallest things like walking every day, cutting out alcohol (wine), watching what you are eating and not eating too late can do for you! So awesome!

Anyways, have a great Monday you guys and remember, if you have any post requests – please send them my way!




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