High Waist Chambray Shorts, Weekend Tidbits & Thoughts On Anger


top (on sale) // shorts (similar) // sandals // purse (on sale) // watch // lipstick

Happy Monday Loves! 

How was everyone’s weekend?? Mine was actually so nice, but went by incredibly too fast!

Friday, my best friend came into town for the weekend and we went to try a sushi restaurant here in Houston (MF Sushi) that I had been dying to try! We kind of got really dressed up and just had a total girls evening which we really needed.  Saturday a few of my bridesmaids and I went dress shopping and out for cocktails; Then Sunday I went dress shopping with my Mom for her dress for the wedding as well! Needless to say – it was a wedding dress shopping weekend! But it was so fun and I loved seeing everyone get so excited to pick out their outfits! 

Side note – Colton and I also finally watched the new Beauty and The Beast movie Saturday night and ya’ll, I bawled my eyes out!! I have no idea what was wrong with me. It’s not like I hadn’t seen Beauty and The Beast a thousand before. Like, I knew every song word for word, and yet I still cried like a baby lol. 


I  kind of wanted to touch briefly today on anger/jealousy/grudges and different ways to approach them. I know that it’s a weird topic, kind of negative if you will, but none-the-less, maybe one of you out there may need to hear it. 

A few weeks ago, my best friend (the one I mentioned above) came into town. When she came in, we had this big plan with another one of our closest friends and somewhere along the line, plans majorly changed and for some reason, it really upset me. Even writing this post I feel so silly and embarrassed that I got as upset as I did by it, but at that time, it really bothered me and I let my feelings get the best of me. 

Fast forward through the evening and instead of going and meeting them to partake in our new plans, I decided to stay home by myself and sulk. Sulking in the fact that my feelings were hurt and didn’t go my way. What did that leave me? Sitting at home by myself on a Friday night. 

As I sat there trying to prove my point, I couldn’t help but start to feel more and more ridiculous. I realized I had two options. 1) I could stay home and continue to feel sorry for myself and keep my tantrum going or 2) I could shake it off, quit the attitude, get dressed and go meet my friends. 

Thank goodness I chose #2. I was so much happier going and meeting them, then sitting at home being angry

I know this isn’t probably the best example of “anger”, but what I’m trying to get across is that, don’t let your anger or jealousy or your grudges ruin your day. Because the only one who is going to be really affected by it, is you. If you spend a whole day being angry and feeling sorry for yourself, that’s one less day you had the option to be happy. 

Maybe it is the wedding and the stress, but more and more recently, I have been really sensitive and a little bit on edge. When this starts to happen, I just have to sit back and ask myself, “Lauren, is this worth it? Is this worth getting this upset over?” and in most cases, it’s not. 

Of course you’re allowed to get upset over things, but my advice is to either pick one designated person to vent to (Hi Mom) vent to them and then move on, or just go ahead and tell the person who upset you (in a nice manner) that what they did really bothered you. Explain to them that you don’t want to dwell on it, but that it did hurt your feelings. 

Then move on.

Move on and enjoy the rest of your day. 

