Currently Coveting: COLLAGEN

Vital Proteins Collagen Review Vital Proteins Collagen Review Vital Proteins Collagen Review Vital Proteins Collagen Review Vital Proteins Collagen Review Vital Proteins Collagen Review Vital Proteins Collagen Review

Guys, I am SO excited to introduce you all to my new best friend.
He keeps my hair, skin & nails looking awesome. Improves my digestion and keeps my joints strong and healthy.

Basically he is kind of awesome.

So without further a do.

Guys, meet Collagen. Collagen meet my readers.

What is Collagen exactly?

Collagen is basically what keeps your skin looking young. It’s was makes your skin feel full and elastic. When you turn 25, every year after that you will start to loose 1% of your collagen. Then once you go through menopause, you start to loose more towards 30% each year, which is what causes your skin to sag.

The good news though, is that by adding Collagen to your daily diet, just like you would protein or fiber, you can prevent your body from losing its collagen. It’s basically the most natural way to prevent aging.
In addition to keeping you looking young, a few more benefits of collagen are glowing skin, joint health, bone strength, increased athletic performance, deeper sleep and a healthier gut.

Running to pick up Collagen yet – lol?

I’ve know a few people who swear by collagen for years and now I can honestly say I am one of them.

There are a lot of products on the market for Collagen, but the reason I like Vital Proteins is because there is really only one ingredient in it – Collagen. Other brands tend to have fillers and artificial sweeteners, but not this one.

There isn’t a taste to it (actually pretty tasteless) and it absorbs really quickly in either hot or cold water. I personally like to add it to my afternoon tea around 3:00 p.m. or in my morning smoothie!

Each serving also has 10 (g) of protein in it so that’s another win!

For my daily usage, I have been using the peptides from the canister, but I love the little packets for when I am traveling or to carry with me to work!

Have you guys tried adding Collagen into your diet? What have you thought about it so far??



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  1. Taylor wrote:

    Definitely going to try this! Is there such thing as taking it too early (I am only 24) but I would love to start now to be preemptive about it!

    Taylor |

    Posted 7.20.17
  2. Sarah wrote:

    Love that this is Whole 30 approved! Plus it’s been helping my hair grow!

    Posted 7.21.17
    • LifetoLauren wrote:


      Posted 7.21.17
  3. shelby w wrote:

    does yours ever get goopy in the water and not fully desolve? I find it sticks to my spoon in cold water and is clumpy.

    Posted 7.24.17
    • LifetoLauren wrote:

      Yes – and I am not a fan! If I put it in cold water that’s exactly what happens. Normally I will put it in hot water with lemon or add it straight to my morning smoothie.

      Posted 7.24.17

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