Get Your Home Guest Ready In 13 Minutes

Get Your Home Guest Ready

Now that Colton and I are in our new home, it seems as if guests are coming over (unexpectedly) more than ever. I personally love it. Before, our place was just a little bit too small, but since we have so much more room in our new place, I’ve definitely had the more the merrier mentality! 

I’ve always loved to host, but recently I have had the hosting bug! 

Both of my parents love to host, so there is no doubt where I got my love for hosting from. Between the two of them, Southern Living magazine and a few Pinterest articles here and there, I have acquired the perfect steps in order to always be guest ready in no time!


1. Always make sure you do not have dishes in the sink. Every morning make your bed and every evening hang up your clothes. These are the small things you can do daily to keep your house looking put together and guest ready. 

2. Keep an easy, ready to serve snack on hand. Colton and I always keep almonds in the pantry and when guests come over, I will put them in a small pretty white dish and heat them up to roast them a bit. Even heating them for 45 seconds in the microwave will do. We picked this trick up from different hotels while traveling and loved it. There is something just a little bit fancier about being served warm nuts that adds that unexpected extra touch to it. Trust me, your guests will love it! 

3. Have your guest bathroom, guest ready. You can do this by always keeping items like extra toilet paper, a plunger, soap and even Poopouri (or Febreze) easily accessible. This keeps what could be awkward situations for your guests easily solvable without anyones knowledge. 


4. Vacuum your home. This is the easiest way to make your house look put together, even when it’s not. I remember, one of my friends from high schools mother, would always make her vacuum before she left the house. While I found it to be so annoying and a total drag (hello 16-year-old Lauren), I totally understand why her mother did it. 
5. Have music playing. Always have background music playing when your guests come over. Music is welcoming and a silent room is not. I don’t mind if the TV is on but it should be low and no matter what, there still needs to be background music. Recently, right before guests come over, I ask Alexa play Tom Petty from Spotify and it is perfect background music. 
6. Light a few candles. Just like music, candles are inviting and also make your home smell lovely. I recommend placing one right by the door and one in the kitchen, as that is where most people seem to gather around. This is our favorite candle! 
7. Have Your Blankets Folded. It seems simple enough, but it is easily forgotten. You may think your five blankets spread along your couch makes your house look comfortable, but your guests may think otherwise. Simply folding your blankets and putting them in a near by bin will make your living room seem much less cluttered and much more inviting. Target has a few great options! 
9. Wipe Down Tables. Right before guests come over, I always wipe down our counter tops really fast with these wipes. It’s not only sanitary, but it is another quick and easy way to make your house seem more clean. There is nothing more groddy than a dirty kitchen counter with old food stuck on it. 
10. Have Natural Light. If it is not obnoxiously bright in your home, keep your blinds open or at least keep them open half way to allow natural light in. There is nothing worse than walking into home that is dark and feels like a cave. When having guests over, make sure there is lots of natural light (or as much as you have available) to make your home seem more inviting. Trust me, it’s important! 

I would love to hear some of your tips and tricks for having guests over! 





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  1. Elizabeth Mateo wrote:

    Your artwork is simply everything! Deets, please.

    Posted 8.13.17

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