15 Things I Am Thankful For This Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving ThankfulThanksgiving ThankfulThanksgiving ThankfulSHOP THE POST 

cardigan // turtleneck // jeans // boots // earrings // purse // lipstick 

In honor of Thanksgiving being tomorrow (yay!), I figured it was the perfect time to give thanks and share with you all everything I am so thankful for this year. It has been an absolutely crazy year and even though it is so easy to get caught up in the little hiccups of life, I have so much to be thankful for. 

  1. Colton, my number one support, and my person. I am thankful he puts up with my weirdness, loves me unconditionally and supports this blog and my dreams the way he does. I’m thankful he takes time out of his Sunday football to take my photos (because it’s a big deal ya’ll) and never complains. 
  2. I’m thankful I have a job, a roof over my head and food on the table for every meal. 
  3. I’m extremely thankful for my health. Something I never take for granted. 
  4. I’m thankful that my body allows me to run and be the active person that I love to be.   
  5. My mom, my best friend, who’s always there for me with open arms. Who lets me vent to her daily, about my nonsense problems when she has plenty of problems of her own. Who is always there to give me advice, drink wine and try a new recipe. 
  6. I’m thankful for my Dad, who always gives me everything he has. Fixes every problem or situation I seem to get myself into and is always going out of his way to make all of my dreams come true. Especially with the wedding this past year.
  7. I’m thankful that my little sister, who has grown up to be one of my very best friends. The young lady she has come to be, and the fact that I can finally take her out in public without her spilling ketchup all over the front of her shirt – lol. 
  8. I’m thankful for Colton’s family, who has made me a part of their family from the very beginning. Who has truly become my family and have done more for me then I could have ever imagined. 
  9. I’m thankful for my friends. For new friends, old friends, and friends that have come back into my life. The ones who have stood by my side through thick and thin. Who have supported me, loved me and make me a better person. Who I can go months without seeing and still pick up right where we left off. Especially my bridesmaids who went above and beyond this year to make everything so perfect for me. 
  10. I’m Thankful for Bentley, in the fact that he is healthy and hasn’t had any major issues this year. I’m also thankful for the fact that since he is older now, I no longer have to worry about him having accidents in the house or tearing anything up lol. 
  11. I’m thankful I have been able to travel as much as I have. I’ve been extremely blessed to have had the opportunity to travel as much as I did this past year. 
  12. Andddd lets be honest, I’m really thankful that my wedding was just postponed and not canceled lol. I’m thankful that all of my guests were able to move their trips so easily and that all of my vendors were so over the top accommodating. Especially my wedding planner, who went above and beyond to make the less than fortunate situation okay. 
  13. I’m thankful for all of my family members, who have been my rocks for life and were willing to fly halfway across the country just to see me get married. 
  14. I’m thankful for this blog. The fact that I get to share my life, on this little space of the internet every day. The opportunities and experiences I have had because of it are things I could have never even dreamed of before. The ladies in the blogging community I have met, the readers who I talk to daily, LifetoLauren wouldn’t be possible about any of them. 
  15. I am so, so incredibly thankful to my readers. This is so cliche, but literally, LifetoLauren would legit not be possible without you. If you guys didn’t read my blog every day, continuously support me, click through my links and engage with me the way you guys do, I wouldn’t have been able to keep this up the past 2 1/2 years. I wouldn’t have been able to justify working two jobs, I would have become uninspired, unmotivated and would have probably given up. But because of you guys, I continue to write and come up with content each day. 

I won’t be posting tomorrow so, Happy Thanksgiving in advance!! I’ll see you guys Friday and if any of you are running in the Houston Turkey Trot and you see me, please come say hi!!:) 




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  1. natalia wrote:

    Great post Lauren!! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!!

    Posted 11.22.17
  2. What a sweet post. Happy Thanksgiving!

    Posted 11.22.17

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