My 2018 New Years Goals

New Years Goals


coat // blouse (on sale) // white jeans // boots (on sale) // sunglasses 

His Guys!

Oh my goodness, it feels like it has been forever! How was everyone’s Christmas?? Ours was honestly, just really nice and loving. We spent Christmas Eve at Colton’s parents house, with his whole family and then Christmas Day, my mom and stepdad came over to our place for breakfast and presents, before heading to my Dads to have Christmas dinner with him and my sister.

It was just all around a really nice weekend. Lots of love, laughs and down time. I’m sorry if I seemed a little MIA, but I really made a special point to be fully present and not glued to my phone this Holiday season. 

Now that Christmas is over, I have been reflecting on 2017 more then ever.

What a year ya’ll.

It was one of the most rewarding, exciting and fun years of my entire life. While also being one of the most challenging and heart breaking, and scary all at the same time. I can already tell that 2018 is going to be just as wild and crazy, but I am ready for its challenges.

To be completely honest, and I tell you guys this every year, but I hate the term New Years Resolutions. Instead, I like to think of them as goals. Bright outlooks and motivation for the New Year. It’s the same reason I hate calling my healthy lifestyle a diet.

It’s all a mind set with positive outlooks. It’s living everyday to be the best person you can be, while giving yourself a break and not quitting when you do not immediately succeed. 

New Years Goals 

For 2018, my biggest goal is that I want to focus on getting back to me. This past year was so busy and hectic, that I haven’t felt like myself. My goal is to do everything in my power be more present and really soak in everything around me. I want to start incorporating yoga back into my life and I would love more than anything to get back into my old morning routine. Right after college, I was getting up around 5:30 every morning and I loved it. I loved the way it made me feel, I hope to get back to it. I pray that we can finally get through our wedding with ease. I want to take LifetoLauren to that next level and bring you all unbelievable content. The content you deserve and the content I want to bring you. I

I want to work at being a better friend, daughter and soon-to-be wife. 

I’ve already decided that 2018 is going to be the year that I find myself again and I will work everyday until I make that happen. 

I hope you all have a great rest of your day! If you’re looking for NYE outfits, be sure to check out yesterday’s post! 




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Similar Post: My Thoughts On New Years Resolutions; New Years Memory Jar 


Congratulations @harshkelli on winning the Givenchy Beauty Set! Please send me an email ( with your shipping information so that I can send you your package!:)

Thank you so much to everyone who entered!! For being such loyal readers and supporting LtoL the way you all do.



  1. Briana wrote:

    Great goals! I may just steal some for myself to work on!


    Posted 12.28.17

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