Bringing The Scrunchie Back

scrunchie scrunchie scrunchie scrunchie scrunchie scrunchie scrunchie


top // bottoms // shoes (more sizes) // scrunchie // sunglasses 

Welcome back guys!! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Ours was the perfect mixture or fun, relaxation and work. It was such a gross weekend, but we defintiely made the best of it! 

A few weeks ago, I was at the gym, dying on the stair stepper, when I saw this girl in the distance with a scrunchie in her hair. My first thought was, “weird, I havent seen a scrunchie in years” then it quickly switched to “omg I want one“. After that, I swear everywhere I looked I saw srcunchies. All over the websites of major retailers, on models, celebrities and other random girls on the street.

It was clear, the scrunchie was making a comeback and I was so for it. 

Scrunchie’s aren’t the only pieces making a come back though, the 90’s in general will be making a huge statement this spring. Almost all of the spring collection will be 90’s inpspired, so brush up on your 90210 to gain some major inspiration. We actually went to a 90’s themed party on Saturday night and thats exactly what we did!

I picked up my scrunchie from here because it was the best deal. Other places like Nordstrom also have them, but they are also selling a single scrunchie for like $34 and that just makes me laugh because at the end of the day, it’s still a srunchie lol.

I don’t care how much they are “in”, I refuse to spend $34 on a single scrunchie.  

Anyways, a few things…..

  1. Last week, you all took a poll on Instagram. I asked how many of you guys actually read the blog every day and who prefers just Instagram. And for the most part, it was split pretty evenly, but Instagram was technically the winner. I think it was 47/53. Anyways, This does not mean I am going to quit posting every day!! I did the poll only because I want to understand you all better and I want to be able to provide something for all of my readers. I know a few of you were worried I was going to switch to just Instagram and I’m letting you know here that I would never do that. I love writing and providing content every day. On top of that…. my site is the only thing that’s 100% mine. If Instagram somehow disappeared tomorrow, or if my account got hacked and I lost my profile, there is not one thing I could do about it. My blog is the only thing that I own, so it will forever remain my #1. 
  2. I finally started my Posh Mark page!!!! During the holidays, I told you I was cleaning out my closet and that I would start selling a ton of my stuff. I was in between starting another Instapage or doing Poshmark and ended up choosing Poshmark for the convenience. They take a percentage, but I love that they take care of the shipping! I truly love all of the items I am selling and the only reason I am getting rid of them is that I truly do not have room. So go follow me!! I will be adding about 10-15 new items per week! 
  3. I am officially an Ambassador for Equinox and I could not be more excited about it! As most of you know, I have been a member there for the past year and I am so excited to share more of the facility and what all they have to offer with you! I am hoping to host an event there soon (hot yoga maybe?) but we will see!! 

Have a great Monday! 




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  1. Hilery wrote:

    I LOVE READING YOUR BLOG! I have a few that I read throughout the week, but I think yours is the only one I read daily. I wish I had more time to read more daily, but I just don’t. We’re looking to move to the river oaks area in the spring, so I won’t be spending 3 hours a day in a car….so hopefullyyyy that will free up some time to start reading more!

    Posted 1.29.18
  2. rmbmomma wrote:

    I remember when scrunchies started, before they were in stores. We cut the top off knee high hose, they stretched, were multi colored and didn’t hurt your hair. Just a little history…..

    Posted 1.29.18

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