Friday Frills


dress (under $100) // pumps (less expensive option) // tassel earrings // lipstick (Star Woman)

Happy Friday Loves!!

I hope that you have an amazing weekend ahead of you! Whether you’re making your way down to Mardi Gras, traveling else where or staying in town, I hope you have a safe and fun weekend! 

Colton and I will be in Houston and I will literally be working all weekend -lol. Next weekend is my Birthday, we have friends coming in town and I really don’t want to have to work at all, so I’m doubling up this weekend to get things done. 

Don’t worry though, we’ll still have some fun. I still plan on making it to either yoga or spin and we’ll probably grab drinks with friends a few times too. 

A few things: 

  1. If you need a last minute Valentine’s Day gift idea, check out my Valentine’s Day Baskets
  2. I’m giving away a Gift Card to Crave Cupcakes just in time for Valentine’s Day over on Instagram.
  3.  My favorite white swimsuit bottoms are back in stock this season. 
  4. Tired of the comparison game? Read my sweet friends post for a little uplifting inspiration. 
  5. If you want this little red dress for Valentine’s Day, today is the last day to order it, to get it in time! 
  6. My favorite Free People Cardigan is on major sale. 
  7. Almost all of J. Crews swimsuits are on sale as well. This little blue striped one is my favorite!
  8. Calling all Texas Brides! My sweets friends Kailey & Hailey of Double Shot Of Sass just launched their Hair + Makeup Company Etoilly Artistry. Be sure to check them out!
  9. I’m continuing to add things to my Posh Mark Page
  10. Wonder what my life has been like since taking blogging full time? You can read about it here




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  1. Briana wrote:

    I’m going to check out these links right now! thanks!


    Posted 2.13.18

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