Happy Valentine’s Day Babes!
Whether you’re spending the day with your significant other, your best girlfriends or family, I hope that you give and get a lot of love today!
While I do enjoy celebrating Valentine’s with Colton, it’s really a holiday about spreading love in all areas of your life.
So call your mom, your best friend or your grandparents and tell them you love them
Originally, I had planned on Colton and I doing a Q&A for you all today, but it just wasn’t working out. Basically I had this whole vision in my head but didn’t plan it properly…lol. So many of you all sent us questions (thank you so much to those who did) and the plan was for Colton and I to answer them through a video but when we tried to do it, the questions were all over the place, we had answered most of them before and it just wasn’t flowing.
Most of you all (like all of ya’ll) wanted wedding updates, our favorite past Valentine’s and a lot of living together questions!!
So to answer all of those….
- I have a wedding update coming soon!! I actually have it scheduled to go live this month.
- If you are someone who sent me a DM confused on why I haven’t shared any wedding photos, then click here.
- For everyone who asked what it was like moving in together, you can read our whole post here.
- If you wanted to know our favorite Valentine’s Day, you can read our very first Valentine’s Day Q&A here. It’s my favorite!
- Then if you wanted to know all of the gushy stuff about our love life, then check out this post from last year. It’s Four Random Things We Love About Each Other
This year Valentine’s Day, I have a big surprise for Colton!
From the wedding being postponed, to leaving my job to pursue this blog, and personal tribulations, I have never been so thankful for Colton. He has been above and beyond amazing and by my side through all of this. So for this Valentine’s Day, I really wanted to thank him for that! Normally I would tell you all on here, but he reads the blog (lol) so you’ll just have to wait and see!
I will be sharing it all on my Insta Stories this afternoon
Have a great day loves!
Happy Valentine’s Day Little Miss! Love you to the moon and back!