5 Random Facts About Me

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( pink jumper // sandals // earrings // lipstick // similar handbag )

Cheers to the weekend Babes!! 

Tomorrow is my 26th Birthday, so I thought it would be fun to share five random facts about myself! A few weeks ago, this was trending on Instagram and I completely forgot to follow through and ended up deciding to save it for today’s post. 

I have to tell you guys though, I’m kind of super funny about my birthday. Throughout the year and weeks leading up to my birthday, I act so nonchalantly about the whole thing, like “I could totally care less“. Even days leading up to it, family and friends will ask me what I want to do and I’m always like “oh, idk…I don’t care! Something chill, maybe dinner? Aren’t we a little old to be celebrating birthdays?“. Then my birthday hits and I’m pretty much like “It’s my birthday and I’m a princess-lol“.

Basically, Colton knows that as much as I say I don’t care… I really do… and that if nothing was planned, I would be devastated. 

In my defense though, in regards to saying I don’t care about my birthday, after college, birthday’s just don’t seem as important. Plus, I swear my birthday is always on like a Tuesday and who wants to be that person that makes their friends go out on a Tuesday – lol, not me. So for the past few years, we have either done a really nice family dinner on my actual Birthday or go out of town to celebrate! 

Although, since this year my Birthday is on a Saturday, we actually planned a big dinner with a group of friends. Because why not! My best friend is also coming in from Austin, so I am really excited about that! 


But okay okay okay, let’s get to the random facts! 

Five Random Facts About Me 

I grew up going to Catholic School, despite not being Catholic. 

From 2nd grade to high school, I went to Catholic School. St. Anne’s for elementary and middle school, then St. Pius for High School. My mom actually grew up Catholic, but I was personally never raised in the Catholic Church. Basically, the public school I was zoned too wasn’t the greatest, so my parents put me in Catholic School. I loved everything about Catholic School (the uniforms & all) and wouldn’t trade my experience for the world! I swear, all of my kids will grow up in Catholic School too.   

I’ve had the same Teddy Bear since I was three. 

Let me introduce you all to Teddy Two. Don’t ask me what happened to Teddy One, because I have no idea, but Teddy Two is the bee’s knees.  I’m not even the least bit embarrassed to say this, but I love this bear. My Dad brought him home after a business trip to La Jolla and we have been inseparable ever since.  I love him bc he doesn’t look like your average Teddy Bear. He is skinny and instead of fluff, he’s filled with beads. He also has so much character! I brought him to college with me and would still sleep with him to this day (trust me, I try…just ask Colton) but my Mom’s dog got him mixed up with a toy…. So we had to find a Teddy Bear Hospital (yes those exist) and pay an ungodly amount for him to be fixed (yesI’m that crazy). Anyways, since the incident, he’s kind of fragile, so he sits on my bedside table. Try to spot him in one of my Try On Sessions – he’s back there lol. 


I was in the Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority at Baylor. 

I was actually the first person in my family to ever be in a Sorority! When I went to Baylor, I quickly found out that rush was a big deal and decided really quickly that I wanted to rush. I literally had no idea what I was doing or anything about the sorority world, but I rushed and went Theta! I absolutely loved it. I wasn’t crazy involved but I’m still super grateful for the experience and the friendships I have because of it.  

I hate wearing color

So basically, this whole outfit I’m wearing in today’s post is totally out of my comfort zone!! I feel my best in either black or white. I mean, yall know I love a good red lipstick, but when it comes to my clothes, I prefer neutrals. My friends try there best to get me to wear more color but it is honestly so hard for me to do! 

I’m absolutely obsessed with Kenny Chesney. 

People find this so weird, but ya’ll, I love him. Everyone who is close to me, will tell you. It’s almost unhealthy. I’ve been to at least 10 of his concerts and I cry at every single one of them. When I was like 12, there was a boy down the street who I had the biggest crush on and his favorite song was a Kenny Chesney song. So I went home, bought all of his albums and would listen to them day and night. Because that’s what you do when your 12… and anyways, I became obsessed.  Anyways, when he went on tour, I convinced my Dad to buy tickets and it ended up being the best concert of my life. I’ll never forget being 13 and there. Our seats were so close and when he came out on stage, I just broke down crying. If you’ve seen Kenny live, then you know he is such a fun performer in general! But I think I was just so overwhelmed with happiness and that the person I loved so much was right in front of me, that I couldn’t handle all of the emotions. Now, every time I see him perform, I revert back to that 13-year-old girl and all of those same emotions come flooding back. It’s crazy.


Three bonus facts: (1) My favorite food is almond butter. So random, but I love it. (2) I was a cheerleader in High School! (3) Before there was a Mister Bentley, I grew up with a Golden Retriever and his name was “Lauren’s Golden Graham” !


Have a great weekend! 




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