Seven Out Of The Ordinary Health & Wellness Tips I swear By

Ice Rolling

I don’t know about you guys, but my face tends to get very puffy first thing in the morning. Whether it is something I ate, drank or the way I slept, it all affects my face the next day. I’ve tried a million products, as well as every high-end brand out there and nothing works better than Ice Rolling my face first thing in the morning. 

I live and breath ice rolling because not only does it feel amazing, but the results are almost immediate for depuffing my face. I have this ice roller from Amazon and I keep it in my freezer at all time. I ice roll my face every morning while going through my emails and anytime throughout the day when I look a little puffy! Especially after long nights of drinking! 

I also always bring it with me while traveling – but be careful to not leave it in the hotel freezer!!

I’ve been known to do that a time or two….

Tongue Scraping 

Tongue Scraping became my newest obsession after listening to an episode (#103) of the Skinny Confidential Him & Her Podcast. 

It’s totally gross to think about, but our tongues hold a lot of bacteria, food debris, fungi, toxins, and dead cells on its surface. 

Then to add to that, when we sleep, our digestive system remains awake, removing toxins from our body and depositing them our tongue. So by adding tongue scraping into your daily routine, it helps to remove those toxins. This helps with bad breath, boosts overall immunity, improves your digestive health and of course is great for your oral health as well! 

Bottom line, I’m hooked. 

This is the one I bought Colton and I. 

Warm Water In The Morning 

Another thing that I learned from the same episode that has changed my life. When most people reach for water in the morning, they go straight to the fridge and get a cold glass. While they are making the right step in hydrating their bodies after a nights rest, cold water can be really harsh on your digestion. It’s encouraged to start your day with something warm! Like warm water with lemon or a cup of tea.

This is also great for better skin, weight loss, and immunity as well! 

Facial Shaving 

Yes, you read that right. I shave my face. But not with a razor like Colton would use. Instead, I use these little guys. They take that little layer of peach fuzz off of my skin and makes my makeup application look a million times better. 

It’s a beauty secret that has been around hundreds of years. From Cleopatra to Elizabeth Taylor, Marilyn Monroe, and Kate Somerville – they were all known to take off that top layer of peach fuzz. 

No, your hair won’t grow back thick and prickly and no you won’t get razor burn! But let me tell you, you will notice a different glow! 

I swear it’s life-changing and works! You can read more about it here. 

Say Goodbye To Morning Facial Cleansing

I first heard about this on Kaitlyn Bristow’s Off The Vine Podcast and since then have picked up the tip.

When you sleep, your face produces natural oils that you do not want to get rid of for anti-aging purposes. So instead of cleansing your face in the morning with a cleanser, just wash your face with water, pat dry and apply moisturizer.

This doesn’t mean you should take cleansing totally out of your routine though! Cleansing is great at night because it gets rid of your days worth of dirt and makeup. But the oils your skin produces at night is really good for you. If you have dry skin, definitely try this trick! 

This is my favorite cleanser as of right now

Epsom Salt Baths 

I absolutely love Epsom Salt Baths. Whenever someone asks me what I do for soreness, I always tell them: stretch, foam roll and take an Epsom Salt Bath. There is nothing better for inflammation and sore muscles. 

The magnesium and sulfates in Epsom salt are easily absorbed through the skin and helps with relaxation, getting the body ready for sleep, detoxifying the body and flushing out toxins. 

I like to take a warm bath with about one cup of salt, twice a week! 

This is a great brand!!

Tea Tree Oil 

I actually wrote a whole post on Tea Tree Oil here because I am that obsessed with it. 

Wake up with a huge pimple the day before a huge event? Tea Tree Oil to the rescue. I swear by it. 

Put a little bit on a cotton swab and put it right on your breakout. 

Always be sure to use 100% Tea Tree Oil!

What do you guys think of these tips? 

Have you ever tried any of them? 




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  1. Anna wrote:

    I so need an ice roller! But I thought it was just me, only washing my face at night – it really does make such a difference especially if you have naturally dry skin like I do! Great tips, Lauren!

    Posted 3.13.18
  2. Meagan wrote:

    Omg!! This is amazing! I am in the process of writing a similar post and I have included some of these tips too! Like tongue scraping (where has this been all my life?!) I also love ear candling and taking a peppermint essential oil beadlet after eating! Those are some included in mine!! I really enjoyed this post Lauren, thank you for sharing!

    Posted 3.13.18

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