Wedding Update


dress (under $100) // heels // earrings // lipstick 

Happy Wednesday Loves!

I cannot believe we are less than two months away from our wedding date. I’m not going to lie, I’m still kind of scarred from October / not trying to get my hopes because, after last time, it’s clear that anything can happen lol. But other than that, I can’t believe it’s almost here.

I remember sitting in the hotel room in Napa, back in October, picking a new date and crying because May seemed so far away, but now it’s almost here!

For those of you who are new to the blog, I’ll fill you in really fast. 

Colton and I got engaged May of 2016 and were supposed to get married in Napa, on October 14, 2017. The week of our wedding, we flew out early to get our marriage license and what not and while we were there, the Napa fires started. Devastating both Napa and Sonoma County. 

So we ended up having to postpone our wedding to May. 

Which at the time was devasting for us but in the end, it has all worked out. Not to mention my wedding planner, our caterer and the rest of our vendors have been rock stars through the whole thing. 

So here we are, like I said, less than two months away and I couldn’t be more excited. 

Yesterday I asked you guys on Instagram Stories to send me any questions you guys may have concerning the new wedding. So thank you to everyone who sent in your questions! It makes my life much easier lol. I know a lot of you wanted to know the colors of my bridesmaid’s dresses, what our theme is, what the decor and colors will be and etc., but that’s going to be for a later post! I’m saving all of that as a surprise for after the wedding! My life is so open on here, I want to have some sort of surprise for my friends and family at the wedding. 

LifetoLauren Wedding Update

What’s the new wedding date?

Saturday, May, 19th 2018 

Why May and not sooner? 

Napa’s weather is pretty much the same year round, except for November – April when it gets really cold and rains, a lot. Because of this, my venue doesn’t operate during those times and doesn’t open until May. 

Plus, we actually always wanted our wedding date to be in May! It’s a long story but May was what we always wanted in the first place, so it’s all just kind of fallen into place. We love Napa during this time (the white roses are blooming everywhere!) and the new date is super close to the day that he proposed. 

Do you think you’re more excited this time around? 

100% YES! I mean, don’t get me wrong. I was so excited for October but I was also really stressed. I was too stressed to be excited. People are not kidding when they say just how stressful wedding planning really is. This time around though, I feel like my stress has been cut in half. For the most part, everything has already been done and I could just really care less about all of the little things that I once thought were so important. I’m just so excited to finally be there, finally marry Colton and move past all of this. 

Did you have to resend out Save The Dates and Invitations?

I did not have too, but I did. I sent out e-card Save The Dates and am actually resending invitations this week! While we could have just settled with the e-card, it was really important to me for everyone to have a physical copy of our invitation with the new date. I have kept every single wedding invitation we have received for the past seven years and keep them in my memory box. So I want everyone to have ours too. 

Thankfully, my wedding invitations were printed by my Step Dad, Aaron. He owns a really amazing original print shop in Houston and a huge part of his business are high-end wedding invitations and save the dates. He prints the kind of things you can’t just get off of websites like Minted. So basically, I’ve been very, very fortunate to have him. He has done all of my printing for the whole wedding and it has all been just absolutely lovely. 

You can check his company, Quality Printing Company out here! 

Did you reinvite everyone? 

Yes & no. This was a hard one because technically, the whole wedding was paid for back in October, for a set amount of people. Aka, everyone who rsvpd yes. Where we saved money, we already put in other areas….so it wasn’t really in our budget by this time to reinvite everyone.

But at the same time, since some families members can no longer make it in May, we were able to send out a few extra invites but we only invited people we have really talked too &/or made a special point to tell us that they would really love the opportunity to make it in May. 

It’s a sticky situation but at the same time, it all comes down to budgets and it’s not like we are having a huge wedding! We’re still expecting under 100. It has been really important to us to keep the wedding intimate. 

Are you keeping the same dress and decor? 

Yep! I still absolutely love my dress (gosh I can’t wait to finally wear it!) and my decor is actually kind of timeless and would work for any season. So it all works out perfectly. I mean, I could have changed a few things…but like, I wasn’t about to re-plan this whole wedding or make huge changes like having my girls buy new dresses. That wouldn’t be fair to them. 

What else is there to plan since it was all done in October? 

Umm, not a lot! Basically, just coordinating the whole weekend’s activities! Majority of our guests are coming in Thursday, so we will have things going on for them all weekend. We also still have to do things like finalizing the guest count, menus, seating charts and welcome bags. Lots of little things that would have stressed me out in October but instead, I kind of feel like a pro at this point. 

You guys had a few more questions but most of them I have already written posts about or have them coming soon in the future! Remember at the top of my homepage, I have a whole Wedding Suite area where you can find all of my wedding posts! 

How did you ask your Bridesmaids? Check out the post here 

Do you have tips for finding your wedding dress? Check out the post here 

What happened to your first wedding date? Check out the post here 

Did you have a theme for your Bridal Shower? Check out the post here

What do I wear to my Bridal Shower? Check out the post here 

How did Colton propose? Check out the post here

Posts Coming Soon

  • How to pick your Bridesmaid’s Dresses
  • Tips on picking a wedding theme/colors 
  • The Pros & Cons of destination weddings 
  • A Full Wedding Post – covering decor, flowers, vendors and etc. 




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  1. Briana wrote:

    Congrats girl! You’re so lucky, I cannot wait to be at that point in my life!


    Posted 3.28.18
  2. Rebecca wrote:

    Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials! I cannot express how pleased I am with Quality Printing Company and the quality of work this family run business performs, the turnaround time was a matter of days and their pricing is definitely competitive. I absolutely recommend contacting Quality Printers for any of your printing needs.

    Posted 4.9.18

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