Cooking with Hello Fresh – A Step by Step Guide

Hello Fresh Review

Hello Fresh Review


Hello, Hello loves!

After my last post on Hello Fresh, I received a lot of feedback and questions on what’s really like ordering/actually cooking Hello Fresh meals. So this past Sunday, Colton and I went to my Mom’s house to cook this Hello Fresh meal with her!

We made the Meat Loaf Balsamico and it was seriously so good! I loved showing her my skills in the kitchen, even though I clearly had a little bit of help – lol!

We love using Hello Fresh because it’s incredibly easy, I know we can trust the ingredients and sometimes it’s just a nice change from our normal weekly dinners. So if you’re interested, keep reading because I’m giving a step-by-step guide on what it’s like cooking with Hello Fresh!


Hello Fresh ReviewHello Fresh Review


Ordering & Receiving Your Hello Fresh Package

When you place a Hello Fresh order, you are always able to pick the exact day that you would like your food to be delivered. This is super nice because you can completely customize it to fit into your schedule!

I live in an apartment, so the front desk always signs for my orders, but, if you live in a house, no worries! You can schedule the time of your delivery as well (in case you want to be home to accept it), along with special instructions!

Opening Your Package

When you open your Hello Fresh Box, you’ll notice that it is fully insulated, with lots of coolers to keep your food fresh. When I receive my package, I usually open it immediately, so that I can see what all we were sent! But also because I like to plan the days we will be cooking! So I’ll go through my package, put it all in the fridge and recycle the rest!

Each meal comes in little bags, filled with everything you need, so they are super easy to store in your fridge! Each meal also comes with it’s own, large instruction card for the meal too!!


Hello Fresh ReviewHello Fresh Review


Recipe Bags

Each Recipe Bag (I mentioned them above!) comes with all of the ingredients you need for your meal, along with a step-by-step recipe guide!

For this meal, I used the Hello Fresh App to follow the instructions because Colton accidentally threw away all of our recipe cards. In his defense, I accidentally placed them in the “recycled mail pile” – lol, but none-the-less, their app came in super handy for us!

You’ll notice, each recipe bag also comes with literally everything you need for the recipe. Everything comes perfectly packaged, in the appropriate required serving size for the meal! From the already peeled garlic, to the honey, balsamic and more.

The only things I have ever needed to already have in my kitchen is salt (Himalayan – duh), pepper and olive oil!


Hello Fresh ReviewHello Fresh ReviewHello Fresh ReviewHello Fresh ReviewHello Fresh Review

Cooking the Meal

Like I said, these meals are so easy to make!! So if you’re not exactly a chef in the kitchen – then trying Hello Fresh is the perfect way to get your foot in the door!

The instructions are truly given to you step-by-step with pictures included.

The meals are so easy that even Colton doesn’t mind cooking when I have to work late! Not that he is ever against cooking, but he’s just not as comfortable as I am in the kitchen. I grew up cooking with my Mom and love to cook, so it’s just different but it’s nice knowing that he is so comfortable cooking these!

Also, each meal has never taken more than 30-minutes for us to cook! Which ya’ll know I am all about!


Hello Fresh ReviewHello Fresh ReviewHello Fresh Review

Bon Appetite! That’s it!

If you missed my last review on Hello Fresh and all of the reasons we like it, then click here! 

Remember, you can always use my code LIFETOLAUREN to receive 50% off your first Hello Fresh order!



This post was brought to you by Hello Fresh. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own!


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  1. Caitlin wrote:

    I love how simple this is! I tried Blue Apron once and loved it! Thanks for sharing!


    Posted 7.24.18
  2. I love Hello fresh! so easy and convenient, AND makes me feel like the best chef ever lol

    Posted 7.25.18
    • LifetoLauren wrote:

      Yes!!! I makes me feel like the best chef ever too haha

      Posted 7.25.18

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