Happy New Year! Goals for 2019


similar burberry coat // turtleneck // mott & bow jeans // otk boots

Happy New Year Cuties!!

I truly hope you all had the most amazing Christmas and New Years. Colton was off from work starting Christmas Eve until New Years Day, so I kind of decided to take off and be low key with him! Not to my surprise at all, it was exactly what I needed! We slept in, binge watched new shows on Netflix, purged and cleaned out a few areas in our home and got ready for the New Year.

Speaking of the new year, before I get into my New Years Goals, I do want to take a quick second to reflect on 2018. As I mentioned on my Instagram Stories on New Years Eve, this past year is one that I will look back on for the rest of my life. So many big and amazing moments happened like Colton and I finally getting married and me taking LifetoLauren on full-time after three years of blogging on the side. I landed dream collaborations, we traveled (a lot) and I really grew in myself. With that being said though, it was also my hardest year.

When I took the leap to take this blog on full time in January, it brought on a lot of trials and tribulations along with it. I always imagined that when I did make LifetoLauren my full-time job, that I would be 100% ready and prepared but when the New Year hit, it was definitely a now or never situation. So I took the leap and from January to March were some of the hardest months of my life, that poured into the rest of the year.  From family drama, to medical scares, finances and becoming fully reliant on myself for the first time in my life, it was a scary time. Let’s just say that the saying “when it rains, it pours” was very accurate in my life at that time.



Thankfully though, I am the type of person that looks as hardships as growing moments and I always have to remind myself that no matter how bad things may seem, that they will always get better and that God would never throw something my way that he didn’t think I could handle. I learned throughout the year how strong I really am, how loved I am by my friends and family and what I deserve out of this life. That I am not going through any of this alone and that I have a lot to be thankful for, because I do!

As amazing as this past year was, I’m ready to leave the rest of it in the past and only focus on moving forward. This is the year that I am going to start feeling like me again. I’m going to push myself, make better decisions and trust in the big guy upstairs just a little bit more!

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2019 Goals

  1. Make Meditation a daily thing.
  2. Focus more on happiness and less on life being “picture perfect“.
  3. Become healthier. While I am committed to fitness, I haven’t been the healthiest version of myself this past year. Especially in terms of not getting the nutrition my body needs, trying too many fad diets, not eating enough and not sleeping enough either.
  4. Learn to let go of the things that are out of my control.
  5. Get comfortable at being uncomfortable. 
  6. Work on my horrible habit of procrastination.
  7. Push myself in my business and really go after what I want.
  8. Start saying yes more often. 
  9. Start to fully enjoy this time in our life being newly married without kids. 
  10. Leave no room for any sort of negativity.
  11. Start getting up earlier in the morning
  12. Learn to stay in my own lane and stop focusing so much on what everyone else is doing.

*** REMEMBER ***

If you lose sight of your New Years Goals or Resolutions in the first few weeks of the new year, it’s not failing! You’re learning and you can’t change over night. You have the whole year to work towards your goals.

Come up with a plan and incorporate one to two new things into your daily routine a week to help reach your goal. Just don’t lose sight or give up!




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  1. Briana wrote:

    Wishing you a great 2019, Lauren!


    Posted 1.3.19

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