Beginner Fitness Tips


leggings // sports bra // apple watch 

New Year, New You – amiright? While this saying may have already been way too overused this new year (even though we’re only on day 8 of 2019 -lol!) it doesn’t mean that the meaning behind it is totally flawed. If you have made it your goal to get into shape this year and become an all around healthier you, then you have already taken the first step! If you haven’t, no problem!! It’s never too late to start!!

Below you will find all of my tips for getting in shape this year! Whether you’re a beginner or not, this list truly applies to everyone!

Remember to always consult your doctor. I am not a licensed,  trained nutritionist or health professional. I do not claim to know everything nor be an expert. These are only tips that I have gained through my own fitness journey and experience.



Be Prepared

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Before you step foot in a gym or go to the grocery store, make sure you have a plan and that you are prepared. You want to do your research and have everything mapped out and set in front of you so that you are not going into it blindly.

Find Your Why

Whether you have a wedding coming up, a reunion of some sort or you’re just wanting to be in better and healthier shape, you want to find your why and then write it down. This helps keep your end goal clear, in your mind, and gives you purpose.

Be Realistic

If your goal for weight loss is to lose 40 lbs in two months or to go to the gym 5x a week (when you haven’t been to the gym in over a year), then these are not a realistic goal. These types of goals set you up for failure because they are unattainable. Instead, try making small, realistic changes like going to the gym twice a week, cooking a healthy meal once a week or maybe going from two sodas a day to one a day. Once you get used to these small changes then you can start making bigger ones.

Start Adding Before You Start Subtracting 

Instead of saying, “I’m never eating fast-food again” or cutting sweets completely out of your diet, start slowing adding things into your diet. For example, try having an extra bottle of water a day or adding a veggie into each meal. By slowly adding these things into your life, the more likely you’ll want to start canceling out the others.

Drink More Water

Why you may ask? Not only does it keep you hydrated, but to put it simply, drinking water helps boost your metabolism, it cleanses your body of waste, and acts as an appetite suppressant. Drinking water also helps your body to stop retaining water, which will help you lose any water weight that you may be holding onto.

Stop Thinking Negatively about Healthy Eating. 

One of the biggest misconceptions about Healthy Eating is that it’s boring, tasteless and not filling. This drives me absolutely insane because let me tell you, your food does not have to be loaded with salt and sugar, then topped with butter for it to taste good. It’s truly so narrow minded to think this way and the moment you stop putting such a negative connotation around the concept of picking healthier choices, the more of a chance you have to actually reach your goals.

These easy quick and healthy meals from Glitter Guide look pretty amazing to me!

Here are 40 Quick and Easy Healthy Dinner Recipes to try and here are 37 Easy and Healthy Breakfast Recipes as well!

Pick a Dietary Plan that works for you. 

While I believe that a well balanced, whole foods, clean eating diet is the way to go, if you’re the type of person that absolutely needs to follow a plan then do your research and pick the one that is best for your. As of 2019, the most popular programs are:

Walk More 

I say this every year and it’s for a good reason. Walking is truly so underrated and can really make a difference in your fitness/weightloss journey. When I went to Europe a few summers ago, I basically ate my way through the trip and yet I didn’t gain one pound….. that’s because I was walking close to 30,000 steps a day.  While I’m not saying you have to do that, the standard amount the average American should be reaching is 10,000 steps a day. An easy walk to start adding more steps into your day can be as simple as taking the stairs instead of the elevator to your office on the second floor. I’m telling you, walking can do wonders!

Here are a few tips on how to walk more every day! 

Don’t Just Do Cardio. Weight Training is Key!! 

If you really want to tighten, build muscle and lose weight, then cardio alone won’t help you reach your full potential. You have to add weights into your workout regimen. Weight training helps your body to burn more fat than cardio, so whether it’s body weight workouts, free weights, pilates, barre or classes like the ones at Orange Theory, you want to add some sort of weight training into the mix.

A Few Programs I Suggest 

“I have never worked out in my life, where should I begin”

Start slow and build up your resistance. Pick a good playlist (music is key!) and then plan to go on a 20 minute walk a few times a week. Then as the walks get easier, try adding jogging into the mix. Plan to jog for 30 seconds, a total of 3x during your walk. Even if you have to walk for 5 minutes after your jog, just to get your breath back, it’s okay! It’s all about building your stamina and getting your heart rate up. Then once you’re ready, you can either start extending the length of your jog or begin adding weights into the mix! Listen to your body.



Fitness Tracker: Whether you go with a Fitbit or just use your Apple Watch, a Fitness tracker is a must! As I mentioned above, walking can do wonders and these fitness trackers will help you to track not only your steps, but your daily activity, your workouts, your heart rate and calories burned as well!

Adidas Ultra Boost: These shoes are the best, the most comfortable and supportive shoes on the market.

My Fitness Pal App: I have been using this app for year! Set your goals in the app then track what you eat through it daily! It’s free, it acts just like a food journal (only better) and also tracks your progress! This app is truly the best.



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If you have any questions, please leave them below!






  1. Briana wrote:

    Such a great idea to add before you subtract!


    Posted 1.9.19
  2. Cassie wrote:

    Im currently battling it out in the gym after having a few months off. It’s so hard at the start but quickly gets easier. Great tips! Thanks for sharing my dinner round up 🙂

    Posted 1.9.19
  3. Emily wrote:

    Add before you subtract! And making my goals!!

    Posted 1.10.19

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