Transitional Staples Every Girl Should Have In Her Closet + Girl Chat!


coat (found in stock in all sizes) //white button-down // levi jeans (similar style in more sizes) **size up!**

similar mules // purse (less expensive version) // earrings// necklace 

Happy Monday Cuties!

I hope you all had the most amazing weekend!! Ours was very low key – yet busy all at the same time. I feel like that’s how this time of the year is though! We really haven’t traveled much since early December, but our schedule picks up majorly this next month, so we’ve just been enjoying this time at home with friends and family.

As we make our way into February though, the more and more I find myself dying for the spring season. It doesn’t help that Houston has been teasing us with the most beautiful weather either!! One day it will be cold and 30 degrees and the next, sunny and 65. It’s crazy! On those beautiful 65 degree days though, I have been gravitating towards this outfit in today’s post. It’s my favorite weekend outfit as of lately. These Levi jeans are from last year and are running low on most sizes but I found a new and identical pair that they just released. Still under $100 too! I do highly suggest going up one size though when ordering Levi’s! I’m normally a size (25) but went up to a (26).

Then if you are looking for a classic and amazing white button down, then I truly cannot recommend this one enough. YES, it is expensive for a top, but in this case, you are investing in a piece that is going to stay with you for years to come. I bought this top over 3 years ago and it is still one of my most favorite (& most worn) pieces in my closet today. I cannot recommend this top enough. It’s incredibly soft and I love that it is shorter in the front and longer in the back, which makes it perfect for front tucking.

Last but not lease, before I get into our Girl Chat, I found my favorite J. Crew Camel Coat in stock and in every size. This coat comes back every season and sells out every season, very quickly!  It’s another investment that is worth every penny and is one that you will wear a crazy amount for the years to come.


Now onto our Girl Chat!

This is a series that I have been wanting to start for a while, so we will see how it goes!

Basically, this is an opportunity for me to answer all of the questions I am asked the most in my DM’s and in my emails, all in one place! It also gives you guys the opportunity to ask me anything from everyday tips to personal advice and my personal life.

If there are any questions on here that you do not see on here, be sure to check out my ABOUT ME FAQS.


What made you want to start blogging and are you still liking it a year after taking it on full time?

Long story short, I was working as Marketing Director in a industry I didn’t love…I found my escape through reading blogs and after a year of working, I started LifetoLauren on the side to serve as a creative outlet! This was the summer of 2015! You can read a whole Blogging Q&A here!

In regards to how I am still liking everything, a year after taking LifetoLauren full time, to put it simply, I’m loving it! Last January was scary, like terrifying and working for yourself is hard work. Like holy moly. This whole persona that blogging is a “get rich quick” method and that all we do is sit around taking pictures of ourselves, while eating avocado toast is far from the truth. It’s a non stop hustle…. but that’s also what I love about it. Before making LifetoLauren my full-time job, it was my hobby and it was so easy to be creative and just get content out there, so it has definitely been a struggle learning how to handle it as a business. When I look back at where I was at the beginning of 2018 though and compare it to where I am now, it’s incredible. I’m going into this year with full convince and I am so excited for the future of this little blog of mine.


I recently read your post about living with your significant other and really loved hearing your perspective. I am currently in the decision process—trying to decide whether I want to take the leap or stay living alone. I was the same as you, thinking I’d wait until marriage to live together…until I met my current boyfriend of two years. I don’t have a problem with it, but know my parents and conservative family would (I come from the typical Baylor family lol). Any advice on this?

Oh my, this is a tough one! Coming from a personal stand point, Colton and I moving in together was the best decision we ever made. I know everyone’s views on this are different, and I truly do not think there is one right or wrong way, but for us, it was a really good thing. Our situation was different though, especially since our families aren’t super conservative in the fact that they didn’t really have a problem with it. I mean, maybe they did (?), but it was never brought to our attention. If you two are ready though and this is 100% the man you are going to marry, then my advice is to just talk to your parents before making a decision. Explain to them your reasonings, why it’s the best decision and then see where they stand. Who knows, they may be more understanding than you think! My whole thing is that you don’t want to completely go against them or behind their back… no matter how ready you are. It’s not worth the drama or the headache. Plus, you don’t want them to resent him or your relationship…. especially if he is your forever. Hope that helps!:)


Hi Lauren! I’m looking for advice on starting my own fitness journey. As a new college grad working their first desk job, I’m struggling to figure out a healthy lifestyle in this new environment. Do you have any advice on how to fit in workouts to a busy day and eat enough to nourish my body, while also eating healthy (and like you, I think life is too short to give up wine and queso)? I want to be happy with my body, gain more muscle, and stop putting so much pressure on myself to eat perfectly – I find myself not eating enough because of fear I will eat “unhealthy” or gain weight. 
Hi love!! I am SO glad you reached out!! My advice is to balance it all like a checkbook! In regards to work outs, at the beginning of each week, look at your calendar and see where you can fit a workout in. Sometimes your only option might be 6am, while other days you might be able to make it to an afternoon class. If it’s important to you, then you will make time for it! My standard rule of thumb is to never go more than 2 days without working out. So if you are working out at least 3-4 times a week, then you’re doing just fine girlfriend. On the days you can’t make it to the gym though, don’t beat yourself up and know that there are a ton of easy ways to still be healthy without killing it at the gym for an hour. For example, making it a point to hit your 10,000 steps and making sure you’re eating clean.  Take the stairs as much as possible, park in the back of the parking lot at the grocery store and park in the back of the garage at your office. Then while your sitting at your desk, make sure that you are moving a least once every hour. Whether you just stand up to stretch, walk in place for 1 minute, walk down to the restroom or take a quick little walk around your office, make sure to move! It’s the little things.
Then in regards to nourishing your body, I have the same advice as above. Look at your calendar, see what your week is like and plan out your meals. I practice the 80/20 method where I eat clean 80% of the time, but live a little the other 20%. I highly suggest downloading the My Fitness Pal App. It’s an easy way to have a food diary, while also making sure you’re eating the correct amount to stay healthy. Each meal should have some sort of lean protein in it, fill your plate with vegetables and eat good fats (like avocados, olive oil and almonds). Drink water and try to stay away from white carbs, starchy foods, fast food, fruit juices, and soda as much as possible! Just remember that it is balance and to not be too hard on yourself. It’s a journey 🙂
Your Cabo bachelorette blog post  helped me to plan mine so much! We are staying at Casa Dorada based on your recommendation. I was wondering, what transportation service you use to get to and from the airport (great tip about stopping at Walmart on the way in!). And also what day boat would you recommend? We are 10 girls and lunch/booze on a boat sounds dreamy! 
I’m so glad my post helped!! You’re going to have the best time in Cabo. To answer your questions, the transportation service, we used was Transfers USA! They were so nice and professional. In regards to the boat, if you have 10+ girls, then I suggest doing a catamaran or something similar!! We did a sailboat from Cabo Sails with 8 girls and while it was amazing, if we had even one more person, it would have been too packed. I’m not sure if Cabo Sails has catamarans, but if not, a ton of others do! I suggest talking to the concierge at the hotel to help you out and book it for you! They will know exactly who to go too.  My only piece of advice it to really rent your own boat tour as opposed to doing a large group one. You’ll especially want to stay away from the glass bottom boat ones! It’s a bunch of random people and can get really raunchy really fast…..

If you ever want to send me a question for this series, just shoot me a quick email with (GIRL CHAT) in the subject line or you can always send me a dm on Instagram as well!

Have a great week!




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  1. Samantha wrote:

    Those JEANS! That style is so flattering.

    Posted 1.29.19

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