Wellness Trends and Products I’m Loving


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Lemon Water w/ Himalayan Salt & Cayenne

For the past few weeks, I have been starting my day with a big glass of this Lemon Water Concoction! The key is to drink it on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning to ultimately hydrate and restart your body from the night before. I add lemon to my water because it acts as a detoxifying agent and helps with maintaining a healthy digestive system. It also cleanses the liver, acts as a anti inflammatory and helps to keep your body hydrated! Himalayan Salt because it also helps to keep the body hydrated, is filled with minerals, helps to clear skin/prevent acne, and is also great for digestion! Then Cayenne because it helps to boost your metabolism, lowers blood pressure and aids in digestion as well!


1/2 Grapefruit a day

When I first started my fitness journey back in high school, I would eat half a grape fruit a day and I just recently picked up the habit again! I know a lot of foods claim to be “fat burning” but I really do swear that Grapefruit is indeed the magical fruit. A few benefits include being low in calories but high in nutrients, it has been shown to aid in weight loss, it’s a powerful antioxidant and can improve heart health.


Meditation Apps

This past year, I have really jumped on the meditation app train!! It has been a goal of mine to really make meditation a habit, but I always have trouble doing it because I am a busy body and it’s hard for me to turn my mind off.. but with meditation apps like Head Space, it has become possible! I do a quick 5 minutes in the morning to start my day and if you’re somebody that has a hard time falling asleep at night, then you’ll love the “sleepcast” section part of it! They are little nighttime stories and exercises you can do to help you fall asleep. I also really like the app Calm for this as well!


Ritual Vitamins

I’ve mentioned these Vitamins before and it’s because they are the best! Rituals founder, Katrina Schneider, created the Ritual MultiVitamin for women and includes the 9 essential vitamins that every women needs. I personally love Ritual because it makes the process of taking a daily vitamin seamless. I love not having to take multiple vitamins a day, it smells just like peppermint, so I don’t feel sick when taking it and I love the fact that it’s a subscription! Every month, it just appears in my mailbox and I don’t have to remember to pick them up at the grocery store once I run out. Oh and the packaging is adorable too!



Morning Workouts

From famous life coaches like Tony Robins to Hollywood nutritionist like Kelly LeVeque, one thing they both swear on are morning workouts. Aka – working out and moving your body first and thing in the morning, on an empty stomach. From every interview I’ve heard to every article I have read, the method to its madness is that it’s supposed to be incredible for fat burning, due to the fact that your body is not preoccupied with digesting huge amounts of food and instead is able to deliver large amounts of oxygen to your muscles and help to burn more fat. Other benefits include energy, mind clarity and less anxiety throughout the day.

Personally, I have been trying to jump on this train more and more and from my experience, it all seems to be true. The mornings I get my booty out of bed and workout before the rest of my day starts are the days that I am the most productive, am more creative. I love getting it out of the way and the way that my body (& mind) feel throughout the rest of the day.



A chemical compound found in the cannabis plant, CBD is non-intoxicating, completely legal and does not cause the normal side effects that regular marijuana would. Aka – it’s not going to get you high lol. What it really does is help with anxiety, chronic pain, depression and insomnia. I absolutely swear by it! I get really bad anxiety/ have a lot of trouble sleeping and CBD has truly made all of the difference. There is a ton of different ways to take it, but I like the little oil droppers! I put a few drops under my tongue in the evening and I’m good to go! Of course, always consult with you doctor first, but it is something that works for me. Below are the two brands I like!



CALM Magnesium Powder

Another must in my nighttime routine! Calm is a fruity drink that promotes healthy magnesium levels and balances calcium intake— helping you to feel less stressed and more relaxed. I put this in a big glass of water before bed and it’s an absolute came changer! It’s completely natural and the moment I drink it, the more relaxed and ready for bed I feel!

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Sheet Masks

Sheet Masks definitely aren’t new to the wellness/beauty scene but if you haven’t jumped on board yet, do yourself a favor, try them out and then thank me later! Sheet Masks are life savers for your face. They have ones for hydration, exfoliation, anti-aging, firming, brightening and more! Literally, there is a sheet mask for everything and the best part is that they pretty much work instantly!! Not to mention, the feel amazing!

Favorite Sheet Masks 

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What are some of your current favorite wellness trends???





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  1. Raixa wrote:

    Thank you for the CBD information..I’ve been looking at which company to purchase some from. THANKS again!!!

    Posted 3.13.19

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