My Biggest Blogging Tips for Beginner Bloggers

Beginners Tips For Starting A BlogBeginners Tips For Starting A BlogBeginners Tips For Starting A BlogBeginners Tips For Starting A Blog


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In the past six months, my inbox has received an overflowing amount of messages from girls wanting to start their own blogs. Girls asking for advice, tips, and tricks and to all around “pick my brain” over the subject matter. Their messages are so sweet and I am always so incredibly flattered that they felt comfortable enough to come to me for advice. Unfortunately, at the same time though, I hate receiving these messages because I never know what to say back. The truth is, I don’t have any revolutionary advice that most of you guys haven’t already heard from other bloggers and if we’re being completely honest, the first piece of advice that really comes to mind is “yeah, don’t quit your day job” – lol but I’m only joking and would never actually say that.

Truthfully, blogging has brought the utmost joy to my life. Growing up, I never knew what I wanted to do or what I wanted to be. Even after graduating from college, I was so confused about my future. I just never really had a “purpose” and ultimately, in the past 3 1/2 years, blogging has provided that purpose for me. It has truly brought so much happiness and fulfillment It’s given me a voice, confidence, experiences that I would never have been able to experience otherwise, friendships, dream partnerships and more.

With all of that being said though, it hasn’t been a walk in the park. Its been more of a long, slow and steady crawl with a lot of bumps and bruises along the way. I think this is why I’m always so conflicted on what to say when girls reach out looking for advice because while blogging has been one of the most rewarding things I have ever done in my life, it has also been one of the hardest.

None-the-less, I want to give you guys the best advice that I can because I do believe in every single one of you. Plus, I do have a few years of experience under my belt and real advice to share!

*** NOTE ***

This isn’t a post on How To Start a Blog. If you are interested in learning exactly “How to Start a Blog”, I highly suggest just googling it!! There are hundreds of blog posts out there that will give you step-by-step directions on exactly how to do it!

Beginners Tips For Starting A Blog

My Biggest Blogging Tips For Beginner Bloggers

Find Your Why

I truly believe this is the most important step and is the first step that almost every other blogger will tell you as well. You have to ask yourself, Why do I want to start a blog?”. If your answer is, “because I want free clothes, to make a lot of money, travel the world for free and to do it super fast/easily“….. then I am here to tell you, that you are getting into the wrong industry lol. On the other hand, if you’re wanting to start a blog because you’re passionate about something and truly feel as though you have a service that you could provide someone with, then you are definitely in the right spot! Whether it’s because you want to provide other single moms with everyday looks, tips, and tricks that have helped you in your life, or maybe it’s because you haven’t found any other bloggers that have your body type!? Just make sure you have your “why” written out and established. Otherwise, you’ll just blend right in with the other 10,000 girls taking a photo in front of a white wall.

Stay Consistent.

Consistency is another tip I know most of you have heard time and time again but the only reason you keep hearing it is because there’s so much truth to it. My first two years of blogging, I posted a blog post 5 days a week, with at least 7-14 Instagram posts a week as well. I was consistent and never quit. I worked my tail off sneaking to work on my blog during work, every day after work and every weekend for years. No matter how much backlash and hate I received, I never gave up and kept my head down. When I first started my blog, I read somewhere that over 75% of bloggers quit their first year of blogging and that the majority of those girls quit within the first three months. That statistic really stuck with me at the beginning and I just knew that if I could make it over that hump and not give up, then I would succeed. Which is why I am sharing it with you all today! If you’re wanting to start a blog – then start it and keep at it, stay consistent, put your whole heart into it and don’t quit the moment it gets hard.

Be Authentically and Consistently You

 Bc everyone else is already taken.

Take this one from experience. This tip is so incredibly important and is something that I have to remind myself to do every single day. It’s so easy to look and compare yourself to others. You’ll see what’s working for them and contemplate changing what you’re doing but you have to remember that just because something is working for somebody else, doesn’t mean that it will work for you too. If incredible, editorial photography is your thing, then don’t settle for just posting your average #ootd. Then at the same time, if daily #ootd posts are your thing and the thought of trying to create editorial photos gives you hives….. then don’t even try it lol. Create the Blog and the Instagram page that you would want to follow and read. Stay true to you and your style. 

Success Won’t Happen Over Night 

The road to success can be a slow and steady crawl. While yes, some girls have gone viral and have become instant internet sensations overnight, that’s not the reality for most. You have to understand that the market is super over saturated and that building a following takes a lot of time and work. I WISH I could tell you all that there was a secret tip for success… but there isn’t. Trust me, I would have done it by now lol. My biggest piece of advice for growth is just to network yourself. Join every blogging related facebook group in your area, go-to events, meet people, collaborate with other girls in your niche, partner with smaller brands and ask to be reposted on their social channels. Every little thing will help and will pay off in the end, but just know that it’s not going to happen overnight. It could!!!! But I wouldn’t put all my eggs in one basket if I were you.

Understand That It Is a Saturated Market 

I once heard someone compare blogging to the restaurant business. Yes, it’s a very saturated market, but if you truly feel like you have something different to bring to the table…. than room will be made for you. Before starting, you have to ask yourself what sets you apart from the other girls. This goes directly along the lines of “Finding Your Why”! I’m telling you right now that if you work hard, have something different and are offering value …. then who cares how saturated the market is!! You’ve got this!

If you have any more specific questions that I didn’t answer, please leave them below for a follow-up post!!

In the next few weeks, I will be sharing “My Top Tips For Growing Your Instagram”!! In the meantime though, I highly suggest reading my other Blogging related posts!! You can find the two most similar to this post below.

Similar Posts: Your Blogging Questions Answered; Things I Didn’t Know Before Starting My Blog 




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  1. Briana wrote:

    this is such a saturated area, thank you for being so real about that!


    Posted 5.9.19
  2. Kelly wrote:

    Thank you so much for taking the time to share this, Lauren! If possible, can you expand on the process of reaching out to brands for potential collaborations or better yet, when/where that started for you? At what point were you like “Okay. I’m worthy. I know I can worth with xyz to help spread their product/service.”

    Thanks again for taking the time to share!

    Posted 5.9.19

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