My Mid-Afternoon Skinny Iced Latte

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It’s no secret that I am very into health and fitness. My commitment to it is something that I picked up in high school and is something that I practice all year round. As we move into the summer season though (aka – bikini season!), I have been getting a little more strict with my diet in efforts to drop a little weight. For example, I have really been trying to cut back on snacking, I’ve been dabbling w/ intermittent fasting, avidly keeping a food diary (I do this through the Myfitnesspal app) and have been keeping my diet primarily higher in protein/fat and lower in carbs.

I created this little coffee concoction because everyday around 3:00 p.m, I’ve noticed that I start to get a little sleepy, I start to lose focus and in the past would find myself mindlessly snacking…. so I needed to come up with a solution for my mid-afternoon crash and voila – we have my Skinny Iced Latte! I’m telling you, this latte is the perfect pick me up because it will give you energy, help to  keep you focused, it will keep you full until dinner and is packed w/ nutrients too!


Starbucks Blonde Roast Iced Coffee

You can find these Iced Starbucks Coffee Containers at your local grocery store! If you’re somebody that can’t do caffeine in the afternoon, no problem (!!) they offer a decaf version as well.

Non-sweetened Almond Milk

Instead of a heavy creamer, I use almond milk to dilute my coffee. A cup is only 30 calories but I only use about 1-2 TBSP’s!


MCT Oil is a new supplement I have been trying out and am loving so far! If you are big into Keto, then I’m sure you know all about it. If you don’t though, here’s a quick break down for you! MCT Oil (otherwise known as medium-chain triglycerides) is a form of saturated fatty acid that has numerous health benefits including energy, weight loss/management, fat burning properties, focus, aids in digestion and etc. Read more about it here!

Protein Powder (Optional)

I don’t always add protein powder, but if I know I haven’t had enough protein that day, I’ll add in about half a scoop! Protein is also a great addition because it will help you stay fuller for longer.


I always add cinnamon to my coffee (& suggest that you do too!) because it lowers your blood glucose levels.


Unlike your average sugary Iced Latte from Starbucks (which is around 180 calories, has 28(g)s of sugar and 30(g)s of carbs), this Iced Latte is 133 calories, has 8(g)s of fat, 12(g)s of protein, only 2(g)s of carbs and .5(g)s of sugar. Aka, it has all of the properties needed to keep you full and fueled, without spiking your blood sugar, causing you to crash and feel even more lethargic than before!

While I could always just have a iced coffee with a dash of almond milk, I like this latte because it keeps me from grazing in the kitchen and looking for a snack!



Pour 8-10 oz of the Iced Coffee into your blender of choice! I use my Magic Bullet for this because there is almost zero cleaning involved!


Add 1-2 TBSPs (or as much as you would like) of Unsweetened Almond Milk to the coffee.


Add a 1/2 TBSP of MCT Oil to the coffee. If you are a male, I suggest adding a whole TBSP instead of a half.


For a little extra protein and substance, add either half a scoop or a whole scoop of your favorite protein powder! I normally try to use plant based protein, but I am out and this is what Colton uses, so I have been using it as well.


Blend it all together!!! While you don’t have to blend it and could always just stir in all of the ingredients, I prefer to blend because it really gives the coffee that “whipped latte” consistency!


Pour over ice, add a dash of cinnamon and a straw then enjoy!!


  • 8-10z of Iced Coffee or Iced Decaf Coffee
  • 1/2 TBSP of MCT Oil
  • 1-2 TBSP of Nonsweetened Almond Milk
  • 1/2 Scoop of Protein Powder (optional)
  • Dash of Cinnamon
  • 1/2 Cup of Ice


  1. Pour 8-10 oz of the Iced Coffee into your blender of choice! I use my Magic Bullet for this because there is almost zero cleaning involved!
  2. Add 1-2 TBSPs (or as much as you would like) of Unsweetened Almond Milk to the coffee.
  3. Then add a 1/2 TBSP of MCT Oil. If you are a male, I suggest adding a whole TBSP instead of a half.
  4. Next, for a little extra protein and substance, add either half a scoop or a whole scoop of your favorite protein powder to the coffee!
  5. Blend it all together!!! While you don’t have to blend it and could always just stir in all of the ingredients, I prefer to blend because it really gives the coffee that “whipped latte” consistency!
  6. Pour over ice, add a dash of cinnamon and a straw then enjoy!!




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  1. Iced coffee’s are my jam! I literally thought I was the ONLY person that puts protein in their coffee vs smoothies! I didn’t know it was an actual common thing, I feel so much better now drinking it in front of my fiancé (bc he thinks it’s weird) LOL.

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    Posted 5.14.19
  2. Briana wrote:

    You had me at skinny!


    Posted 5.15.19

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