Everything You Need to Know About Switching to Natural Deodorant


top: outdoor voices // shorts: nike // deodorant: native

Welcome Back Cuties! Holy Smokes is this post over due!

At the beginning of April, I decided to make the switch to Natural Deodorant. I polled you guys, asked for advice, did a lot of research and started on my journey.

Within the past year or so, Natural Deodorant has been all the craze. It seems like everyone in the world has been making the switch. It’s defnitely a very “trendy” thing to do right now for the beauty, health and wellness obsessed …but I just wasn’t initially sold on the idea.

I mean, I’ve tried natural deodorants here and there throughout the years but every time I did, I wasn’t impressed. The texture was weird (oddly so rough?) and they just like….. didn’t work? So needless to say, I was confused when I saw literally every single blogger promoting and “raving” about them. It was like an ambush (lol) and I was so confused…. but I also felt left out?! “Like what was I missing????“! How were all of these girls raving about Natural Deodorant and promoting these products when I knew for a fact that they don’t work?? That’s when I decided to be a guinea pig for you guys and try it out for myself.

So if you are someone who is interesting in switching or has tried to switch in the past and it “didn’t work for you then keep reading!

What’s Wrong with Traditional Deodorant and Why are People Switching?  

To make this answer as simple as possible, the deodorant that you have been using since you hit puberty is made up of aluminum and parabens. These ingredients, along with a million others, create a salt compound which temporarily stops the pores under your arms from producing sweat, until you wash it off.

What I personally find super disturbing about this is the fact that when your body sweats, it’s releasing the toxins that your body is desperately trying to get rid of and if it can’t do that because of your deodorant…. then everything is just chilling inside of you.

According to a few different studies, the use of Traditional Deodorant has been linked to harmful diseases like Breast Cancer, Alzheimer’s Disease and even infertility…. but there is absolutely no real Scientific Evidence backing any of that up……

*So…is Traditional Deodorant Actually Bad for You?*

No, it’s not. As I mentioned above…..nothing has been proven. Although to me, it’s just one more “thing” that’s potentially harmful. The older I’ve gotten, the more mindful I’ve become on what I put in and on my body. Making the decision to switch to Natural Deodorant falls into that category.

It’s up to you to decide if the benefits of making the switch to Natural Deodorant justify the potential and unproven risks that are associated with sticking with your traditional one.

Benefits of Switching to Natural Deodorant

  1. Unlike Natural Deodorants, which use essential oils to make their product smell good , Traditional Deodorants use a variety of fragrance chemicals. These fragrances are known to cause: allergies, organ system toxicity and irritation.
  2. You’ll allow your body to “Detox” properly. Since Traditional Deodorant essentially clogs the pores under your arms to prevent you from sweating, it also keeps you from releasing the natural toxins in your body that it wants to get rid of.
  3. No more yellow stains! Since Natural Deodorants do not have any chemicals in them – you no longer have to worry about staining your clothing.
  4. Cruelty-Free! Once again, since there are no chemicals in Natural Deodorant, there is no reason for testing since everything is natural. (Although, be sure to always double-check)

Does natural deodorant work?

Preparing You for The Detox Period

Aka The “Smelly” Truth About Making The Switch

When I decided to switch to Natural Deodorant, the one thing that every blogger, friend, and random person I talked too failed to mention was the Detox Period that your body goes through. It’s a 2 to 4 week (very smelly) transitional period where your body gets rid of all of the toxins it was once held in.

I’m not even going to try to sugar coat this for ya’ll – this period is rough. I swear, I smelled like straight a** for a month. While every person is different (bc everyone’s body chemistry is different) this period could last shorter or longer for you! Thankfully, so many of you guys reached out with tips to make it go by faster and help with the process!

Tips to Help You “Detox” Your Underarms 

After gettings loads of info from you guys and doing some research myself – here are a few tips to help you get through this detox period!

(1) Daily Exfoliating: You can either do this by dry brushing your under arms or in the shower with a loofa! Just make sure to brush your underarms in a downwards sweeping motion going towards your heart.

(2) Try a DIY Detox Under Arm Mask: It’s recommended to do this mask at least once a week during the detox process! The more often you do it, then more it helps!

Mix (1) TBSP of this deep cleansing pore Aztec Clay  with (1) TBSP of Apple cider Vinegar and (1-2) TBSP of water. Mix all of the ingredients together in a glass bowl with a **non-metal spoon**. It should turn into a yogurt-like consistency!

Next, evenly spread the mixture under each armpit, keep your hands above your head and leave it on for 10-20 minutes – but no longer than that! Wash the mixture off the armpits with warm water.

If your armpits turn red, do not worry – this is normal! However, if anyone experiences any other reactions to the clay, wash the mixture off immediately.

(3) Carry your Natural Deodorant with You: This is something I also suggest doing long term – but especially during the detox process so that you can walk around without people thinking you have bad hygiene.

(4) Take a Hot Bath: This will help open your pores and encourage sweating to help to flush out toxins.

(5) Take a Daily Probiotic and Drink More Water: This is the probiotic that I take!

Best Natural Deodorants

(A huge thank you to everyone who sent me their recommendations!)

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Below are my reviews on the Three Different Natural Deodorants that I tried. My biggest piece of advice for you all is to try multiple ones until you find one that’s right for you!

#1 Native Coconut Deodorant 

This was hands down the Top Recommended Product with over 40 recommendations from you guys and is the one that I have been primarily using the past two months! The smell is honestly incredible, it goes on really easily and it lasts longer than I thought it would.

#2 Kopari 

Kopari was the second most recommended product (25 recs) and was the very first one that I tried. Unfortunately, it was not for me! The smell is great and I honestly love all Kopari products but I just didn’t feel like their deodorant did anything for me. I also didn’t like how wet it felt under my arms after applying. It just feels wet?? Idk, I just wasn’t a fan! Although, if you are someone who already uses a cooling, gel-like deodorant, then you might like it!

#3 Schmidts (Lavender + Sage)

This Schmidt’s Lavender + Sage Natural Deodorant was the third most recommended product. I think it had 8 recs?? Anyways, I tried it and I have a mixed review – so here it goes.

A few thoughts: It smells incredible and probably works the best/is the longest-lasting out of the three. I mean, it actually works-works (!!)……but the texture of it is literally the worst. It’s really rough, doesn’t go on smoothly at all and literally hurts to apply.

(More Reader Recommendations)

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Natural Deodorant Upkeep Tips

Since you’re no longer clogging your pores and keeping your toxins in, your body is able to release them more often. Luckily, there are a few easy things that you can do!

  • Carry your Natural Deodorant with you! 
  • Continue to “DIY Detox” under your arms. I recommend doing this once a month!
  • Exfoliate Your Underarms Once a Week
  • Avoid Applying your Deodorant Right After Shaving: Especially if you have sensitive skin! Try shaving at night and applying your deodorant in the morning to avoid any type of irritation.

Anyways – I hope you guys found this post helpful!!

It’s been three months and I can officially say that my transformation is complete and that I’m actually really happy with my decision to make the switch!

If you have any questions, as always, please leave them below in the comments section!




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  1. Briana wrote:

    I am so picky about which natural deodorants I use!


    Posted 7.18.19
  2. Fanny wrote:

    Thank you for sharing your experience and kudos for telling the truth about aluminum salts. I totally agree with you, there is no scientific evidence that proves that aluminum salts are harmful. On the other hand, there is no evidence either that proves that they do not have any long term impact on our health. Personally, I prefer not to take the risk. I also wanted to add that the top 3 recommendations might not be ideal for people with sensitive skin because they all contain fragrance / essential oils and therefore allergens (for instance 2 to 7% of the population is allergic to lavender oil because of its high linalool concentration). If you want a truly safe deodorant that is natural, effective, fragrance-free, smooth on the skin, nonstaining and that works with your skin microbiome – not against it – check Kinkō Balancing Deodorant.

    Posted 8.8.19

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