My Top (10) Productivity Tips

Happy Monday!

I hope that everyone had a great weekend!

What was supposed to be a relaxing weekend for us with zero plans, turned into a full weekend with too many plans. I feel like that’s always how it happens though -lol! Things just always seem to pop up and fall into place when you’re least expecting it!:) Which is honestly the best!

Anywho, I thought it would be fun to start this week off with some Productivity Tips for you all! To help you guys conquer your to-do list and get the most out of your work week!

These are tips that I have incorporated into my every day and have really helped me as of recently – so of course, I had to share!

Before I get into my Productivity Tips though, I do want to let you guys know that this post was brought to you in partnership with Walmart NextDay Delivery!!

It’s FREE with all orders over $35 and there’s no membership fee required. I also love the fact that ship your entire order in ONE BOX as opposed to being sent in a million separate ones.

Just click the “Shop NextDay Delivery” Tab on the Walmart website, enter your zip code and shop away!

From ordering your Groceries to Back-to-School Supplies, Home Care Essentials, Beauty Products, Electronics and more – you can order it all with Walmarts NextDay Delivery!

Below are some of the Home Essential items I ordered for this week! Mostly cleaning supplies and items I can’t get at our neighborhood market.


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(For a Successful Work Week)


(1) Go Over Your Calendar First Thing Monday Morning.

Double points if you make time to do this Sunday night! This will give you a clear look at your week and help you to create your weekend To-Do List.

(2) Make a Detailed ‘To-Do’ List  

This list should include everything you need/want to get done that week. From major work deadlines to smaller personal tasks, you want to include it all! By physically including these smaller tasks on your list and completing them throughout the day, it will give you a sense of satisfaction knowing that you are being productive and making your way through your list.

(3) Tackle Your Hardest Tasks First.

Instead of procrastinating and letting a certain task hang over your head all week, get it done and out of the way first thing! Not only will this feel like a huge amount of weight has been lifted off your shoulders but it will make the rest of your week seem like a breeze!

(4) Simplify Your Schedule Where You Can

If there is a certain task you’re consistently spending too much time on, try automating those tasks (there are programs for everything these days) or outsourcing them to others! Don’t be afraid to ask for help! Also, if you’re trying to find a few extra hours in your schedule and just don’t have time for everything (I mean there are only so many hours in a day), this is when you really should take advantage of all the programs that are available out there, like Walmart’s NextDay Free Shipping, that is literally there to save you time, hassle and all around make your life easier.

(5) Learn When to Say “Yes” and When to Say “No”.

While you may be the type of person that feels obligated to say yes to everything or you’re the opposite and you consistently say no to everything…. neither are great and you need to be able to find a happy balance between the two. The thing is, you don’t want to overload your schedule and stress yourself out by saying yes to everything that comes your way, but you also don’t want to decline everything either and miss out on something that (a) might bring you happiness or (b) an opportunity that might benefit you, your career, your business or personal life in the future.

(6) Work in a Clean and Organized Space 

This is non-negotiable for me. When you work in a clean and organized space, your mind is more clear, you’re able to have more focus and it has actually been scientifically proven to boost productivity. In fact, they say that when you work in disorganization and clutter it can cause extreme anxiety when making decisions and having to accomplish everyday tasks.

(7) Stop Multi-Tasking

Instead, try sticking to one item at a time. I know that some say “multi-tasking” is the key to success but I truly disagree. When you are trying to do too many tasks at once, you’re not giving any of them your full attention and it will cause to be scatterbrained. Instead of jumping around and being all over the place, focus on one thing at a time, cross it off your list and then move to the next.

(8) Limit Your Email Time 

Ideally no more than 3x a day. These are (3) solid/separate times a day to fully focus on your inbox. Otherwise, you could easily get stuck in your emails all day long. When you live in your inbox, it leaves you less time for creativity, productivity and accomplishing the tasks on your list that you really need to focus on. I like to make a list of my “top priority” people that I need to focus on and email back in a timely manner and then go from there. When I’m constantly checking my inbox, not only do I not get anything done but it also really raises my anxiety because I start focusing and worrying about everything that’s coming in.

(9) Turn Your Phone Over and On ‘Do Not Disturb’ During Work Hours

When your phone is constantly going off &/or lighting up, it can be super distracting and will ultimately take your attention away from your current task. This is another non-negotiable for me and is something that I HAD to incorporate as of recently. My best friends and I tend to text throughout the day and at one point I wasn’t getting anything done, so I had to start doing this during tasks and then only checking my phone when complete!

**In case of Emergencies** when your iPhone is on the “Do Not Disturb Mode”, you can still allow your ‘Favorites’ in your phone to be able to call you. That way if there is an actual emergency or if someone close really needs to get ahold of you for any reason, they can still do so!

(10) Physically “Cross” Items Off Your To-Do List 

Lastly – take the time to actually cross off completed tasks on your list! It’s seriously the most satisfying feeling in the world!!

What are some of your best Productivity Tips??

Be sure to leave them in the comments section below because I would love to read them and learn something new!!



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#brb while I buy this cute little blue bike asap. Colton and I have been looking into getting bikes and I seriously love this one!

This marble notebook is so chic and would be the perfect size to carry around with you in your work tote. I have been on the hunt for a new desk chair and I’m obsessed with this one! This OxiClean White Revive is my secret weapon for when washing whites and these makeup remover wipes will forever be a favorite and staple product in my beauty routine.

Have a great rest of your Monday!

