You guys!! Words cannot describe how relieved I am to finally be able to share this big news with you all. I’ve shared every ounce of my life on here the past 5 years, so keeping this a secret was truly so difficult. It has just been a crazy, emotional past few months and a lot for us to process. Plus, we wanted to make sure we were able to tell all of our friends and family before posting it on social media.
I’ll start by addressing the elephant in the room and say that no, we were not trying. In fact, the complete opposite lol. I was in between birth controls and actually scheduled to have my new Nexplanon (a type of bc that lasts three years) put in the exact same week we found out we were expecting. So to say that we were shocked to find out the news would be the understatement of the century.
There is no doubt that we have always wanted children, we just weren’t expecting it to happen for a few more years. We always thought that we would be in our 30’s before starting a family but you know what they say, “If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plan“.
So while this came as a huge surprise… I do want ya’ll to know that we really are incredibly excited (!!) and do not take this blessing for granted… nor take it lightly.
We just also happen to be terrified at the same time, and I think that’s okay. I mean, this is a huge life changing event for us and in all honesty, it feels like our whole world was flipped in a matter of weeks. First, we unexpectedly find out we’re expecting and then a few weeks later, unexpectedly and tragically lose Bentley, which has honestly brought more heart ache and sadness to my life than I ever imagined was humanly possibly. I’ve been in a state of actively mourning him, while also celebrating this new chapter of life. Which is a very weird mix of emotions to have. Now on top of everything, it looks like we’re having to move out of our home, that we’ve loved so much the past few years, because we just don’t have the space and it’s honestly just a lot.
So yeah, lol. While I’m excited (I mean, we’re literally bringing life into this world, it’s a miracle and hands down THE BIGGEST blessing)… I also have a lot of other emotions and fears as well. Not to mention, we’re the very first ones out of all of our closest friends to have kids… so not having anyone to talk too or relate too on the subject matter has been a whole other thing lol.
It’s a wild time ya’ll, but boy is it a huge relief to finally have the secret out! I feel like I can finally breathe!!
Any who – below is a little compilation of videos and family reactions that we were actually able to catch! I really, really wish we could have gotten more of the reactions but timing just didn’t work out for most of everyone and that’s ok. Getting to finally tell them the big news in the first place was the most important part anyways!
I’m not going to answer all of yall’s questions today, because I’ll be doing a First Trimester Recap next week, but I did want to go ahead and answer a few before hand!
When are you due? My exact due date is June 24th, which makes me 21 weeks as of today! I honestly can’t believe we’re already half way through it!!
When and how did you find out? I found out in late October, right after getting home from my friends wedding in Arizona. I think that we were having so much fun with our friends out there that weekend, that I completely forgot I was supposed to start. A few days after being home, I realized I was late and started freaking out. Colton went and got a test, just to “put me at ease” and reassure me that we weren’t pregnant…that I just wasn’t “normal” since switching my birth control… but boy were we wrong. Our test literally didn’t even take the full 3 minutes (or how ever long it’s supposed to take) before the words PREGNANT appeared. I’m talking like 1o seconds. I went to my primary doctor the very next day, to see if it was true and she confirmed that we were definitely pregnant.
When did you start telling everybody and who was the first person you told? We decided to wait until I was fully through my first trimester before we started announcing it to everyone. I just wanted to make sure everything was okay and that I was in the clear before anything…
The first person to find out though was my best friend, Laurel! It’s crazy, I was barely 5 weeks along when she ambushed me in the bathroom, demanding why I hadn’t told her I was pregnant yet lol. I literally still don’t know how she knew, because it was so early on but she said she just knew lol.
Do you know the gender and will you tell us? Yes, we do know the gender! We decided that we’d had enough surprises to last us awhile and really just wanted to find out together. We are having our gender reveal this weekend though for friends and family!! I should be announcing it on here in the next week or so.
How did you hide this for so long? You don’t even look like you’re showing! That’s very kind, because I can definitely tell lol but besides the fact that my boobs grew two cup sizes literally over night, my stomach didn’t start to “really pop” until this week. Which is why I really had to announce it and couldn’t wait any longer! Prior to this though, I just felt full all the time and like I had a constant little food baby lol.
What are you the most nervous about having a baby? Lol, I don’t think there is enough time in the world for me to try and explain what I’m the most nervous about because it’s honestly everything! I mean, I’m nervous about being a mom in general, I’m nervous about birth and having a healthy baby. I’m nervous about how big I’m going to get and how my body is going to change. I’m nervous about our lives changing, how it’s going to effect our marriage and how it’s going to change everything. I’m nervous about the fact that it’s not just a baby we’re having but that we now have the responsibility of raising a decent, kind hearted human being. Idk lol, like I said, I’m nervous about everything and just taking it all day by day.
Where are you guys going to move? Honestly, I have no freaking idea what we’re going to do. I keep joking that we are going to be homeless lol. As soon as we find out though, ya’ll will be the first to know.
How will this affect the blog and LifetoLauren? That’s a good question. I don’t plan on becoming a full fledge mommy blogger or anything…I’d personally like to keep things as much of the same as possible, but with that being said, I did start this blog to kind of document my life and with every season that life brings, things do change and have evolve to some degree. The fashion, fitness, health and beauty aspect definitely won’t be going anywhere tho. There just might be a few baby things sprinkled in here in there!
Okay, I’m going to save the rest for next week!
Thank you so much though for all of yall’s messages, comments, phone calls and texts. They really, really have meant the world and have truly made us even more excited for this next chapter.
So so happy for you guys again!

I’m SO happy for you! I have a feeling that Wedding Suite will be moved to Lifestyle now and replaces with “Motherhood”, hehe. Can’t wait to follow this journey with you! You’re one of my favorite Bloggers that I hope to stumble upon one day in the Heights shopping or having lunch. Still hoping for that!
Congratulation’s (:
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So excited to read that your due date is June 24th!! That’s my birthday!! I know y’all will be amazing parents and I’ve loved following you
So happy for you Lauren! Congratulations!