First Trimester Q&A


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First Trimester Q&A

When//How Did you find out?

We found out the last week of October, right after coming back from our friend’s wedding in Arizona! I realized when we got home that I should have started while we were out there and never did. I think that I was just having so much fun with my friends, that it never crossed my mind.

When we were home and I noticed I was 5 days late though, I kind of started to panic, but knew there was no way… so Colton ran to CVS to get a test for me just to “put my mind at ease” but it didn’t even take 30 seconds before the bold letters saying “PREGNANT” appeared. To say we were shocked would be an understatement of the century!

How did you tell Colton?

Lol – I literally ran into the living room freaking out with the test in my hand. 

When are you due?

June 24, 2020! 

Were you guys trying? 

Not exactly… this was kind of a very big surprise to us! You can read more about that here. 

Who was the first person you told besides Colton? 

My best friend, Laurel! Except I didn’t even tell her, she literally just knew. A week after finding out (I must have been 6 weeks at the time?) we were in Austin for my cousin’s wedding and staying at her house. After 10 minutes of being there, she literally ambushed me in the bathroom and was like “Sooo you’re pregnant. Why haven’t you told me?” lol, it was crazy. I still have no idea how she “knew” because I literally wasn’t showing in the slightest and had just found out for myself!

What was the first thing you did when you found out you were pregnant? 

Lol, I slightly panicked…. but then I calmed down and literally googled “What to do when you first find out your pregnant“, which led me to making an appt w/ my OBGYN and starting a Prenatal Vitamin. 

What Pre-Natal Vitamins did you start taking? 

I knew I wanted to order and start taking the Prenatal Vitamin from Ritual, but until it came in, I found a random one from Whole Foods that I used for about a month or so. 

Did you have morning sickness?

Yes and no! It just wasn’t what I ever expected morning sickness to be like. I just legit felt sick, nauseous and tired all day, every day. It was truly like I had a 24/7 hangover for the entire first trimester. 

What about food aversions?

YES. The craziest part was that most of my food aversions were things that I normally really like. 

Even the thought of coffee, wine, cookies, almond butter, salads, chicken, all vegetables and basically anything even the least bit healthy made me sick to my stomach.  Everything I ate had to be super bland… like if there was too much flavor, I would immediately feel sick. 

Any Pregnant Cravings?? 

Not really…. but simple Breakfast Tacos, French Fries, Watermelon and Turkey Sandwiches seemed to be my “go-to’s”! Not because I was so much “craving them” but because they were the only things that didn’t make me instantly nauseous. 

Did you immediately change your workouts? 

Nope! While I was working out less (literally just so tired), when I did workout, I was still running, goinng to spin and doing my same weight lifting workouts. Thankfuly, my doctor gave me no restrictions in regards to working out, since it was already such a big part of my every day and told me to just keep doing what I was comfortable with. 

How much weight did you gain in your First Trimester?

Not a whole lot… maybe 5lbs? While I wasn’t eating the healthiest…. I also wasn’t eating a lot. I just felt so sick. 

My doctor told me that for my height though, that I should aim to gain about 25-30lbs and only increase my diet by 100 calories a day in my first few months and then gradually add more from there. 

Did you immediately start showing? 

Not at all! I really just felt and looked extremely bloated. Like I had just gone to town at the buffet or something lol. The part that showed/changed the most though were my boobs!! I swear, around eight weeks they grew a full cup size (if not more!) overnight… it was wild. I’m truly still not used to them ha. 

Did you have to switch up your beauty or makeup routine?

Not really… I think the most I did was just stop using Retinol and haven’t gotten botox since fnding out. 

How and when did you decide to tell your friends and family?

We talked about this a lot and decided that we wanted to wait until I was fully out of my first trimester. So much can happen in those first 12 weeks and it can just be so scary.. so we decided to wait. Luckily, the timing worked out well for us since, this was right around the holidays, so it was easy to get our families together.

Telling our friends took a little bit longer though!! Most of our closest friends have moved away, so it was all about just finding the right time and making sure we told everyone we needed to before announcing it on social media. 

What are you the most nervous about in terms having a baby? 

During this time, as in during my first trimester (it has changed a lot since then), I was mostly nervous about the weight gain I would experience and how much this new chapter was going to change our lives. Which I know seems very selffish, but I really was just in shock at the time.. so how could I not be worried about those things? 

All in all, how was your First Trimester?

Quick (!!) but also very stressful and emotional. The first six weeks were a breeze because I literally had no idea I was pregnant, so not a whole lot changed. Once November hit though, I was just so sick and the passing of Bentley really took a toll on me. I couldn’t tell if it was the pregnancy or if I was depressed… it was probably both but I was just a crazy ball of emotions. While I’m still mourning Bent… I can say things have gotten so much better in the Second Trimester! 

I’ll have that update coming for you guys in a few weeks!




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  1. Yachy Ivy wrote:

    I’m so happy for you!

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    Posted 3.9.20

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