Things I Didn’t Expect During Pregnancy


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Things I Didn’t Expect During Pregnancy 

How excited all of our friends and family would be

Since this was quite a surprise and happened three years earlier than we were initially planning… I was really worried about telling our friends and family. Why I’m not sure…but I definitely was!!! I think it’s because I knew that this would not only be changing our lives but theirs as well…but luckily for us, everyone has been so excited. Like shockingly kind and excited. 

How tired I would be

Never in my life would I have imagined I’d be as tired as I’ve been. I’m normally an early riser but could sleep until 11:00 easily and afternoon naps have become very common. If we’re out and about, I’ll be completely fine until I’m not. It’s like out nowhere, I hit a wall and then just immediately crash. 

The way loved ones look at your belly, before saying hello or giving you a hug

This one is actually really funny to me and is one of the things I started noticing from the very beginning. Anytime I see friends or family, they always try to subtly look at my stomach first before actually saying hi…. but the thing is, it’s not subtle at all lol. It’s like, I go in for a hug, but then end up waiting a few seconds, and watching them stare at my stomach/assess my bump situation before accepting the hug. 

Just how many people will actually touch your stomach without permission

This is something I had always heard from other pregnant women but didn’t believe until it actually started happening to me! I’ve had people reach across the table to feel it (even when it was nonexistent), family members lift up my shirt to see it…. it’s just wild lol. Luckily I don’t find it invasive, I just think it’s interesting and am always caught off guard. 

The comments and unasked for advice from strangers

Some of it I don’t mind! When it’s genuine advice from different moms on certain products, books or techniques that really helped them…I am here for it!! I need all the help I can get! Other things tho… it’s just kind of like “Can you not?“. Especially comments like, “Enjoy your sleep now, bc you’ll never sleep again!” or “You may say that now, wait until you have a baby, your mind will change!”. 

It’s like… we get it lol. Our lives are about to change, we’re not going to sleep, we know… but every pregnancy, baby, and situation is different and I think certain things should be left for Colton and I to figure out on our own. 

That I would hate both the smell and thought of alcohol

Another thing that I always heard but never thought would happen to me! During my First Trimester. the mere thought of red wine would make me instantly sick… and even now, almost into my Third, it still doesn’t sound great. I’ll pour myself a glass, just to feel like myself a little bit (& because they say once a week or so is fine) but truly can never get myself to have more than a sip. It’s just not appealing and doesn’t taste like it used too. 

How Baby kicks aren’t anything like I thought they would be

It’s crazy but our baby has been consistently kicking since I was 18 weeks (!!) so I’ve gotten pretty used to it. I’d definitely say it feels more like flutters than anything tho! Before, I always thought they’d be more traumatizing/scary then they are and that it would totally freak me out… but it has honestly been the complete opposite! It almost just feels like my tummy is rumbling or randomly twitching. ]

That I would lose all control over my core

I honestly don’t know what I was expecting with this one (because clearly, you have a big belly when you’re expecting) but it just never occurred to me that I would lose all core ability. Simple things like sitting up in bed or rolling over in the middle of the night can actually be so hard. 

That I would actually have to modify my workouts

I always knew I would have to modify my workouts in some way or another, but I also always kind of thought, “that may be the case for other women, but not for me! I’m strong and different, I bet  I won’t have to modify anything!!”. Needless to say… I was wrong lol. While things stayed pretty much the same in the first trimester, as I made my way through the second, I definitely had to start modifying. 

That I wouldn’t hate my pregnancy body. 

Coming from someone who was very fit and health-conscious prior to pregnancy, I always thought that I was going to loathe my new body… and while it has been different and definitely a huge adjustment (I’m not going to lie and say if hasn’t been hard)… I haven’t hated it? Instead, it has just been really interesting to watch change and grow. I’ve been very forgiving and not as hard on myself as I thought I would be. 

How many different opinions everyone would seem to have about my body.

&&& the fact that they feel it’s necessary to tell me. Let’s just say, it’s a weird thing to have your weight gain/body be the topic of discussion at the dinner table lol. It’s also weird to feel like you have to justify/explain your body to strangers as they make comments to you or send me messages on Instagram.

In my personal situation, everyone seems to be very bothered by the fact that I’m not absolutely ginormous at this point. That I don’t show my bump enough and that I’m trying to “hide it”. When in reality, I don’t know why I’m not showing more (I thought I would be too) but I’m not and I’m just dressing in a way that makes me feel comfortable. Baby is growing just fine though, my weight gain according to my doctor is right on track, and if she’s not worried, then I’m not worried. Plus, I’m sure I’ll be a whale in no time… so let me enjoy this while I can lol. 

That my skin would be so itchy 

With your skin expanding, and body changing, its common for your skin to itch and mine has been sooooo dry and itchy. I’m telling ya’ll, if I’m not constantly covered in Bio-Oil, then I’m miserable. 


I honestly don’t even know where to begin with this one (lol) but my heartburn has been so bad and I’m constantly just straight-up miserable because of it. 

Nipple Pain

TOTAL TMI but this has been a big issue for me. Since day one of this pregnancy, my nipples have hurt/burned so bad that it will actually make me cry. It’s the craziest thing. Not all women experience this, but I unfortunately have and it has been the freaking worse. 

Everyone’s Pregnancy truly is different.

Some women show earlier, some women barely show at all. Some have bedridden morning sickness, while others barely even feel pregnant. No pregnancy is the same…so you really can’t compare yourself to anyone. 

That there is more Mommy Support out there than there is Mommy Shamming. 

One thing I was really nervous about was all the potential mommy/pregnancy shamming I would get but luckily, it has been the complete opposite. Sure I’ve had some annoying comments here and there but for the most part, everyone (& every mom) I have talked to have been over the moon encouraging and understanding. 

How protective I would feel over someone I’ve never met?

This is something that has really taken over me in the past few weeks. I don’t know how to explain it, but it’s like the mama bear in me has come out of nowhere and she is in full force.

Then lastly, how ready I’d be for him to be here. 

When I first found out I was pregnant, I was terrified. Terrified of everything from the pregnancy in itself to birth, to the actual thought of him being here and how our lives would change… I was so sad/mourning the life I once had but now… I’m just so incredibly ready for him to be here, to see his face, know that he is healthy and start this next chapter. 




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  1. Yachy Ivy wrote:

    I’m honestly so excited to see a little blonde boy with blue or hazel eyes, hahaha. So happy for you!!!

    Instagram | YouTube

    Posted 3.16.20
    • LifetoLauren wrote:

      Crying!!! Me too!!! I’m hoping he does have blonde hair since I’m a natural and Colton was a blondie too until he was 6!

      Posted 3.18.20
  2. Jessica wrote:

    I really appreciate your honesty!! You are going to be a great mother!!

    Posted 3.18.20

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