outfit: cardigan // tank // jeans // watch // sandals
office decor: bulletin board // lash print // rug // similar desk // file cabinet //file cabinet hardware// desk hardware // similar lamp // marble trashcan // acrylic chair
It’s crazy times out there ya’ll… crazy times!
I really do hope y’all are all staying sane and healthy through it all though. Since every one is pretty much working from home, I figured there was no better time than the present to share some of my “Working from Home Tips!”
I’ve been working from home for a little over two years now, so it’s a concept/lifestyle that I am very familiar with. It’s weird because, while working from home may seem like “the dream”… as a lot of y’all will learn (if you haven’t already)…it can also get really old… really fast lol… and since many of youhave no idea how long this will last or when you will be going back into the office, hopefully you will find some of my tips below helpful during this time!
Tips for Working from Home
{During these Corona Times}
Make Your Bed
Some people make their bed every morning and others don’t. While I personally don’t care what you do and would normally say “to each their own“…when you’re working from home, making your bed every morning is an essential task that should not be missed. I’m telling you, if there is one thing I have learned since I started working from home, it’s that finding the motivation to actually do your work can be very trying some days….but getting up and making your bed in the morning is the one simple step that you can do every day to set yourself up for success.
Do Your Best to Set Up a ” New Schedule”
Trust me, I love a good schedule and think they are super important but notice that I didn’t say “Follow Your Old Schedule”… but instead Create a New One. Reason being, when I first started working from home, I remember reading a ton of “work from home articles” to help best prepare me for the transition and one of the main tips that I read on almost every single article was to “Follow Your Old Schedule”… so that’s what I did.
It didn’t take me long though to realize that this was not actually a good piece of advice to follow. The reason being, I wasn’t giving myself any leeway. I was so focused on being at my desk and following my old schedule that I wasn’t allowing myself to adapt to my new situation. There are a lot of pros and cons when it comes to working from home and one of the pros definitely includes getting to set up more of your own schedule and do different things as you please.
So set up a new “Work from Home Schedule” that you think will be manageable and is realistic to actually. That way, you still have “order” and don’t have to worry about fully falling out of your normal routine, while also doing your best while working from home. Be sure to include your morning routine, desk time, workouts, breaks, cleaning, etc. and do your best to follow it!
Make a Designated “Working Area”.
A very important tip! Whether it’s at your dining room table, at a temporary desk in your home or you’re fortunate enough to have a an actual home office – designate one place in your home as your work space! Just try to avoid making this space in your bedroom if at all possible. Reason being, when you start working from home, “switching off” starts to become harder than ever because you can technically always be working. So having a designated space will help you keep work and home life separate while being under the same roof.
Try to Get At Least 10 mins of Fresh Air a Day
Whether you decide to go for a quick walk around your block, have the option to sit in your yard, go out on your balcony or just open up a window in your apartment… fresh air is seriously SO important for your mental health.
Get a Sweat In
Because “Working out gives you endorphins and endorphins make you happy!! & happy people just don’t kill their husbands”
Normally, this is where I would **highly suggest** getting out your house and going to the gym… but since that’s not an option these days… here are a few other ideas.
- Morning/Afternoons Walks
- Running
- At Home Workouts (Below are Apps I Like)
- BABY2BODY: My go-to app during my pregnancy. I like that the workouts aren’t overly “modified” and that I still feel like I’m getting a good workout in while keeping my bebe safe.
- Open Fit: Love this app for pilates, yoga, and outdoor walking/running classes.
- Sculpt Society: This app OMG. Seriously so good for at home dance cardio. If you remember a few weeks back, I did a class with the founder and ya’ll.. you will burn so many calories while just dancing and I kid you not will be sore for days.
- Stream Boutique Classes: If your an avid boutique fitness class lover, be sure to check out your favorite studios website for workout options that they might be offering during this time!
Don’t Forget to Take Breaks
Think about your normal day at work. Whether it’s a quick chat with your coworker at their desk, a walk to the bathroom, a snack break or etc.. you take more breaks than you think and it’s really important to keep that up while working from home as well.
Try Not to Solely Live In Your Sweats
I mean, don’t get me wrong… definitely take advantage of this time and the opportunity you’re getting to actually work at home in your sweats… but if you have been doing this for a few days and are starting to feel super unmotivated, I cannot recommend showering, putting on your makeup and getting dressed enough! I’d be lying if I said I get fully dressed everyday because I definitely don’t, but I can also honestly say that on the days that I do make the effort to really get dressed and what not that I feel more accomplished, confident and motivated.
Find a few Podcasts to fall in love with!
Podcasts have truly become my saving grace ever since I started working from home. As I mentioned earlier, working from home can get old really fast and that also includes the fact that it can get really lonely as well. Which is why I cannot recommend podcasts enough! If you can find a few that you like, I promise they will start to be one of the highlights of your day!
My Top Two Favorites: The Morning Toast & The His & Her Podcast by The Skinny Confidential;
Others I Enjoy: The Lady Gang; The Vial Files; Off the Vine with Katelyn Bristow; Mood with Lauren Elizabeth (I actually don’t love this one, but she has had some really cool guests..and that I enjoy!)
Live a Little and Enjoy Your Time Home!
I mean, when again will you have this opportunity!? Get your work done, do the best you can, but also remember to live a little and enjoy this time! Maybe one day you’re super productive, get fully dressed and work at your new “home office” – great!! Or maybe it’s the next day and you decide to stay in your pajamas and answer emails while binge watching Netflix – also great!! Just mix it up and don’t be too hard on yourself.
What are some of your “Working from Home Tips”????
If you have some – please leave them below!!
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