Second Trimester Q&A

second trimester Q&A


tank top // jeans // polaroid camera

Happy Friday Friends!

Now that I am officially one week into my Third Trimester (hello 29 weeks!), I figured it was finally time to share my Second Trimester Q&A. It’s crazy how quickly time has been going through all of this and we are truly just so excited for him to be here. 

Any who, If you haven’t read my first Pregnancy Post or First Trimester Q&A, I’d suggest reading those first and then coming back to this one! 


Emotions During the Second Trimester

Much like my First Trimester, my emotions have been all over the place but I never know if it’s the hormones causing my tears or if the reasons are justified. From Bentley, to the pressure to find a new place to live, everything that comes along with pregnancy and now dealing with being pregnant during these corona times. My emotions have been a roller coaster.

Are you still as nervous/as in shock as you were in the First Trimester?

Not at all and I think that finally looking/feeling pregnant and actually being able to feel Baby Boy move has a lot to do with it. It’s like all of my maternal instincts kicked in at once and I’m honestly just so excited and ready for him to be here.

Second Trimester Cravings 

Thankfully, about a week or two into my Second, all of my food aversions went away and I got my appetite back but I still wouldn’t say I had “cravings” per se. It’s more like, if I get my mind set on something that I want, I have to have it and then once I do, I won’t want it again. It’s weird lol. Although I will say that I have been loving caesar salads (which I would never eat before), grapefruit and grapefruit juice, ice tea, the chicken wraps from Chick-fi-la, mexican food and fruit smoothies!

Biggest Body Changes? My belly finally “popped” around 21 weeks! 

Weight Gain so far? About 16 lbs and the only reason I know that is because the nurse at my appointment this last week said it out loud. My doctor wants me to gain 25lbs overall (remember I’m only 5ft) but I’ve honestly tried really hard not to step on the scale at all through my pregnancy nor focus on my weight. I’ve just continued to eat healthy but still feed into my cravings/enjoy myself in moderation and just continue to do my best to keep moving. 

Have you had any pains? Oh yes. As soon as I entered my second trimester, I started getting horrible migraines. Thankfully, my doctor was able to put me on pregnancy-safe migraine medication that was a life saver and I haven’t had one since! Then around 24 weeks I started getting really bad tailbone pains and upper leg cramps from nerve pressure. Fun stuff lol. 

Second Trimester Fitness Routine? As I’ve mentioned a few times, in my First Trimester, I didn’t change anything in regards to my workouts but definitely slowed down/starting making modifications in my Second. My doctor told me that I was allowed to keep working out and doing what I’ve always done as long as it felt comfortable and after a few weeks in, things like running, spinning and high intensity weight training no longer felt comfortable. 

Much like my previous routine though, I still made sure to do (low intensity) weight training 3x a week, followed by 15-20 mins on the stair stepper and then went on long, 3-4 mile walks 2-3x a week. For my weight training, I either did modified versions of weight lifting routines I had been doing for years or would do a workout from the Baby2Body app

Do you miss drinking or does the thought/smell of alcohol still make you nauseous? Thankfully no, pretty much all of my First Trimester aversions are gone but the thought of alcohol still just doesn’t sound enticing? I mean, I’ve definitely craved a spicy margarita or glass of wine here and there but other than that, I just haven’t really missed it. If anything, I think I miss the social aspect of drinking more than actual alcohol itself. 

Have you picked a name? Yes/No. I talked about this a little bit on IG Stories but long story short, we picked a name we both loved and then immediately found out a very close family friend was already using it and now it’s awkward. While it’s still our top choice, we have a few backups just incase! A final decision probably won’t be made until Baby Boy is born though. 

What has been your favorite part of pregnancy? Feeling him move!! It’s truly the best/coolest feeling. 

Biggest Pregnancy Pet Peeve? Hands down any comment that mentions “just wait”. I’ve heard other moms-to-be complain about this in the past but didn’t quite understand until I was in their shoes.

It’s the “Oh you think you’re tired now? Just wait till the baby is here! You’re never going to sleep again!” or the “You think you’re big now? Just wait – before you know it you’re going to have a belly the size of a basketball!” kind of comments that I am very tired of hearing…. Colton as well. Not because we don’t believe them… I mean, we are very aware that sleep is going to come few and far between once Baby Boy gets here and that my belly will eventually be huge but I don’t need to be reminded it of it every second. 

Where did you register? Babylist! I know I’m very behind but I actually just completed it this week lol. We chose Babylist because it allows you to add any item to your registry from any retailer and does price comparisons for all the different items so that you’re getting the best price possible. I promise I’ll do a whole blog post on it. 

Any apps or books you would recommend? 

I downloaded The Bump app at the very beginning of my pregnancy to track Baby Boys growth and have loved it! Then I bought and read Expecting Better (It came highly recommend in all of the mommy groups I’m in) and couldn’t recommend it enough. Colton bought (who knows if he’s read it or not lol) The Expectant Father and then I just downloaded Babywise on Audible to start learning more about sleep training.

What did you guys do about moving? 

As some of ya’ll know, our lease for our apartment was supposed to end back in February so we spent all of Jan/Feb house hunting but ultimately decided to sign another six month lease to give us more time. I was so stressed about trying to find the “perfect place” that I was about to make a very expensive/irrational decision until our realtor stepped in and convinced us to wait. Looking back, it was a blessing in disguise and the best decision we’ve made now that interest rates are so low. We’ll start looking again here in a month or so once the quarantine is lifted (fingers crossed) but Baby Boy will ultimately be brought home here to the apartment and we’ll move when he is around 2-3 months. For an apartment, our place is pretty large (2300 sqft), 2bed/2bath with lots of closet space and a large storage unit attached so we really aren’t too worried about making it work for the time being. Plus, we love the area so much and weren’t fully ready to give it up.

Second Trimester Highs and Lows? 


Finally being able to tell everybody and no longer keeping it a “big secret”, our Gender Reveal Party, no longer feeling so nauseous, baby boys first kicks and our anatomy scan (a super in-depth ultrasound where they literally check the babies entire body and count every finger/toe to make sure they are growing properly).


My heartburn, the leg pains and overall just constantly feeling uncomfortable. Oh and Corona. Being pregnant during these Corona times and having to cancel our baby moon and etc. has definitely been a low lol. 

Maternity Purchases

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75 Days until Baby Boys arrival!




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