Teddy’s New Born Photos

Photography: Katie Hill PhotographyInstagram: @katiehillphotography

Teddy boy turned two months on Tuesday. It has only been eight weeks but I’m telling you, I truly don’t remember life before him. It feels like he has always been here with us. He’s just the sweetest little squishy baby I have ever seen and I love every ounce of him. His innocence is captivating and I just find myself starring at him in complete and total awe. Thinking how lucky I am to be his mama.  I remember friends and family telling me the first few weeks with a newborn would be a blur but I didn’t quite understand what they meant until I went through it. He changes and grows every single day. This is such a sweet time in his life and it goes by way too quickly. 

Since I wasn’t able to take maternity photos due to Covid, getting these photos done was even more important to me. I’m sure I’ll have another opportunity to take maternity photos in my future but I was not going to miss documenting this time with him as a newborn. It’s a time we won’t get back. The first few weeks as a family of three. I especially wanted these photos for Colton though, because watching him become a Dad has been the most wonderful thing in the world. For one, it has made me fall in love with him all over again, but truly, if you just saw the way Teddy looks at him and the way he looks at Teddy…..it’s like he was always to be his Daddy. 

I will say that I oddly think Bentley really helped prepare us for this role. Not to say we’re comparing Teddy to a dog, but Bentley really was like our firstborn…and he taught us how to care and love for something other than ourselves. He was with us from the very start of our relationship, so this dynamic as a family of three isn’t totally new to us. 

When we had these photos taken, Teddy was exactly five weeks. During this time, he was still kind of in his sleepy newborn stage but his little personality was really starting to shine through! He would give us little smiles here and there but now that he is eight weeks old, we get them constantly. He’ll look up at you with his big blue eyes, smile, and then just start cooing. It’s like he’s trying to talk to you! I know that might sound silly to say because he is so young, but he will literally look straight into your eyes and just start making noises like he’s trying to have a full-on conversation. It’s the sweetest thing I have ever seen. 

He’s also starting to look more and more like Colton every day. At first, we couldn’t tell who he looked like (the blonde hair and blue eyes could have come from either side) and we knew he at least had my lips but really that’s it. Now that he is a little older though, he is truly Colton’s mini. I mean. they have the exact same facial features and expressions. They even stretch the same! 

At two months, he loves to stare at the ceiling fan and to be outside. He just started liking his bouncer (as long as you don’t stop bouncing it for him) and loves staring at the black and white images on his play gym. He likes dancing with mommy on the balcony, floating in the bathtub, holding our fingers, going on walks, morning snuggles, being doted on by his Rose and Mimi (the grandmothers), and bouncing on Daddy’s knees. We’re just now starting to get nice long eight hour stretches at night too! Normally 9:00 – 5:00 (I’ll have a whole post on this sleep training and schedules soon!) and we’re doing okay with our daytime naps. He doesn’t love tummy time, but we’re working on it and he’s making good progress lifting his head! He’s literally so strong! Truly such a little man.

I still look back at this time last year and it’s just wild to me how much our lives have changed. As most of you know, finding out I was pregnant was a complete and total shock for us but as it turns out… Teddy was exactly what we needed. I just can’t wait to watch him grow and shine. 

A huge thank you to Katie Hill for capturing these photos! They are everything I could have dreamed of and more! If you’re in the Houston area, I cannot recommend her enough. 




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