Our Nursery/Guest Room Reveal


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I have to say, I’m more excited to share this post with you guys than I ever thought I would be. For the longest time, I didn’t know if I would share this space with you guys because it’s not exactly your “traditional nursery” and but figured we probably weren’t the only ones out there starting a family in a small space and that one of you might need some inspiration for your growing family!

When we first made the decision to resign the lease for our 2bed/2bath apartment for seven more months last February, I had mixed emotions.

While I knew it was the right decision for us at the time, I still never pictured starting a family in an apartment. I just always pictured us being more settled and in our first home or something. As most of yall know, Teddy was a bit of a surprise lol. We looked into moving to a bigger space but the timing was super wrong and I just wasn’t ready. We had just unexpectedly lost Bentley, I was still in shock/coming to terms with the fact that I was about to become a mom (don’t judge – just being honest as to how I felt at the time) and the thought of moving from our home that I loved so much was too much for me to handle. I mean, that’s a whole lot of big life changes to have thrown at you within a two month period.

So we made the decision to stay and make our apartment work for the time being! If you would have asked me back in January, I would have told you that there is no way we could make it work because we were already so maxed out of space…..but we did and I’m very proud of how it all turned out! It might even just be my favorite room in our home! Who would have thought lol. 

If you have been following me for a while, then you know that our second bedroom used to be my home office. After a lot of discussions and moving around furniture, we decided that making that room into a guest bed/nursery made more sense and that we would just move my desk into the living room.

I really wanted to keep this space as classic, clean, and functional as possible – which I think is exactly what we did! Luckily, most of our house is decorated with shades of blue anyways, so we were really able to use a lot of what we already had. 

We already had the bed (just had to get it out of storage), the rug was already in there from when it was my office and the Ralph Lauren lamps came from our entryway table! The armoire that’s in the corner by the windows is what I use to store/organize all of my blogging things. We thought about moving it but decided we had enough room in the space for it to stay. 

 So really, all we had to get was a dresser to hold all of Teddy’s things and to serve as the changing table, a crib (we went with the SNOO), and two small side tables that we could use as more storage!!


  • Are you renting or did you buy the SNOO? Renting! We considered purchasing but couldn’t justify spending $1200+ on something he would only use for 4-6 months. If we were planning on having babies back-to-back we probably would have just bought it but that’s not the case lol. 
  • Where does Teddy sleep when you do have guests? Does he sleep in there with them? No lol. We just move the SNOO into our room for the night. It’s super lightweight and easy to move. You could also get a moses basket or travel bassinet for baby to sleep instead of having to move the SNOO but we just haven’t bought one yet. 
  • What crib will you get once he transitions out of the SNOO? This really depends on if we move or not but is something I’m still trying to figure out! If we move, we will get this crib. If we stay, we will most likely just get a mini crib like this one and maybe put it at an angle or something but we will see!
  • Are you worried about having a hard time transitioning him from the SNOO to a crib? I’ve heard it’s awful! Not really! I’ve heard bad things too but bc we have been sleep-training him through the TCB method, I’m really not worried. Plus, because he doesn’t normally nap in the SNOO (maybe one nap in there a day)  we know that he is capable of self-soothing and sleeping without it. We also don’t always turn it on. Especially if he is sound asleep and doesn’t need it. 
  • Where will you put the crib? Answered this above but if we stay, most likely in the same spot but at a diagonal. 
  • How did you hide the cord connected to your VAVA Monitor? Lol, we didn’t. I just took the cord down for photos. I’ve looked into different ways to hide it (like using this cord hider) but because we plan to travel with it and whatnot, we can’t really have it stuck to the wall. 
  • Thoughts on the Hatch Changing Pad?  We LOVE it. Super easy to clean and so easy to use. Instead of having to fully take the pad off to wash, all we have to do is wipe it off and tracking is weight and what not is done super easily through the hatch app on our phone. Since Teddy is kind of on the smaller side, we really have to track his weight every week to make sure he’s hitting his goals and the Hatch makes that super easy. Plus, it’s nice having all his feeding, changes, and growth charts all in one place. We thought about getting the peanut one, but it was only like $10 less so we just went with the Hatch! If you want another affordable option though, I’ve heard great things about this one!
  • Where do you store all his toys? Since he is still such a newborn, he doesn’t really need a ton of toys right now and we honestly didn’t exactly ask for any either. The ones we do have, we store in bins under the bed. His stuffed animals, we keep in this basket and then all of his books are in the cabinet of one the side tables
  • How are you guys storing any bigger pieces? Ie. swing, bathtub, walker, bouncer, extra diapers and etc. I know that everybody doesn’t have this but our apartment building actually has storage units throughout each floor. Ours is right outside our door and is where we keep the extra diapers/wipes and whatever else we aren’t using for time being. We keep the Bjorn bouncer in the living room but have the other swing/bouncer in our storage unit. His Kindred Everly set I usually set up in front of the SNOO next to the bed (otherwise it’s stored under the bed), the stroller we keep by the door but will put in our laundry room when we have guests over, and lastly the bathtub we just keep in the tub! 


full bed frame (similar option) // dresser // dresser knobs // armoire // armoire knobs

 side tables //  similar table lamps (found exact ones on ebay)

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 euro shams // nursing pillow // similar nursing pillow cover //sheets // baby blaket 

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snoo bassinet (rent here) // hatch changing pad // wipe wamer // nightlight sound machine

diaper bag // vava baby monitor // diaper trash can

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rug // similar floor lamp // similar plant // curtain rod // black out curtains 

 gray malin print // gold circle mirror 

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diaper basket // hamper // toy basket // dresser organizers 

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If you have any other questions, just leave them in the comments section below! 



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  1. Annah wrote:

    I love this. Functional, clean space! We don’t have a baby yet but we do live in a smaller home – this is a great option to maximize your space! Definitely saving for future inspiration.

    Posted 9.2.20

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