Five Months With Teddy

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As of yesterday, Teddy boy officially turned five months old! Which means for the past 20+ weeks, he has had everyone we know wrapped around his little bitty finger. He is so freaking sweet and is changing every single day. It’s crazy for me to think that he’s been here for almost half a year. I look back at my pregnancy and it’s literally such a blur. It’s honestly hard for me to imagine life before him and that there was a time he wasn’t my world. I’m obsessed with him, what can I say lol. 

I know I mentioned this above but when I say he changes every single day, he literally changes every. single. day. Whether he grows over night, learns a new noise, makes a new face, discovers something new or hits a new milestone, he’s legit a new baby every day. 

He LOVES to stand (literally it’s all he wants to do) and to say he’s found his voice would be an understatement. He is constantly trying to”talk” and boy oh boy does he have a lot to say. It’s so funny because he will look at your so sternly and just start yapping away lol. He is incredible sassy, very particular about what he likes and doesn’t like and wants constant stimulation. I always imagined him being supre chill and just laying in my arms while we watched a movie or something but instead it’s the opposite lol.  He loves to be held up in the air likes he’s super man, has the cutest new littles giggles and wants all the kisses. He also loves to be outside! Whether we’re swinging on the porch swing, going for a walk, having dinner or just have him sitting in his bouncer while we work in the yard – he’s the happiest outdoors.

One thing I was nervous about when entering this stage was him hitting the dreaded four month sleep regression but luckily that never really happened. If anything daylight savings hit us harder. I wasn’t aware that we should have started prepping him 2 weeks before the time change… so it has been a struggle. He’s also decided that he no longer likes to nap…unless I’m holding him that is. He’ll sleep through the night perfectly but naps have really been a different story. We’re thinking we might have to change his schedule up a bit and drop one of his naps/feedings. 

He has just been extremely cranky and attached to my hip. Before, anyone and everyone could hold/feed him but for the past few weeks he has only wanted me. I secretly love it but as I mentioned on stories, it has been exhausting. Luckily this week has been better, so we’re thinking it might have just been a phase!

A few big changes that I’ve noticed in the last month would be that he’s gained complete and total head control. He’s also finally able to support himself and push himself up during tummy time. He’s constantly flipping over, he’s just discovered his feet and he’s also really started “grabbing” and reaching for things. This started right at four months I think? Like he’s finally able to try and play with his toys (which really just means holding them and then putting them straight in his mouth lol) but its been nice because it lets him semi entertain himself.  His hair has been growing like crazy too and I’m thinking his blue eyes might actually be here to stay. Fingers crossed!

All in all, he has just really “woken up” these past few weeks. Before he was just such a new born but now the lights are on, he’s home and he’s ready to party. 


Is he still in the SNOO? 

As of right now, yes! They recommend transitioning around  5-6 months, when baby can get on their hands and knees and we’re just not there yet. Things could change though! As I mentioned above, he changes every single day. 

Are you worried about transitioning him into a crib?

Not really. The SNOO is wonderful and has been great for us but we try not to turn it on all the time or rely on it. If he doesn’t need it, it’s off but boy is it helpful when trying to get him down for a nap.

Tips for avoiding Plagiocephaly (aka – flat head and corrective helmet)?

This was something I was very conscious of from the start but as proactive as I tried to be, he definitely started to develop a flat spot on his left side that we thankfully caught early and were able to correct before having to put him in a helmet.

He had what is called “Tortocollis” which means the muscles on one side of his neck were much tighter than the other, causing him to favor holding his head one certain way. Teddy favored holding his head to left which is what started to cause the flat spot. We researched a lot and ended up finding @babybegin on IG. She’s a baby physical therapist that specializes in both Plagiocephaly and Tortocollis so we used her tips, along with what we researched and it really helped!

  • More floor time (regular old floor) and less time in containers (dockatot, bouncer, swing and etc).
  • Light stretches of the neck muscles (you can find this all on @babybegins page or if you google Tortocollis stretches).
  • 10-15 mins of tummy time after every feeing.
  • Lighting moving his head to the other side when sleeping
  • Rolling up a towel and wedging it under his neck on the left side to keep him from laying on that side and making the spot worse. He hated this but I swear it helped. 

Thoughts on introducing solids?

I’m thinking around 6 months is a good time! Maybe I’ll do it sooner but I’m in no rush. He hasn’t really shown any interest and I personally like knowing exactly what I’m going to get at every diaper change so I’m really not in a hurry. 


  • @takingcarababies – we took her sleep training course while I was pregnant and she gives a lot of tips on her IG account!
  • – a baby physical therapist that specializes with gross motor skills in babies
  • @healthiest_baby – expert advice for babies first year
  • @babybegin – an account dedicated to helmet prevention and Plagiocephaly (flat head) correction.


  • The Wonder Weeks App – This app tracks his “leaps” (aka – growth spurts) and let’s you know what your baby is experiencing/going through each week. Highly recommend. 
  • Hatch Grow – how we track his weight and growth with the hatch changing pad
  • Hatch Sleep – controls his sound machine and allows us to change the sounds, volume and night light through out phones
  • Owelet – He’s still sleeping with his owlet sock and the app just helps us monitor him. 



-His binky. Once upon a time his binky (specifically these) were his saving grace and now he could care less.

Snuggle Cradle Swing. We bought it around 2 months and he LOVED it for the longest time but now he all the sudden hates it and cries the moment we try to put him in. I think it entertained him before because he wasn’t doing a lot but now that he’s moving so much it’s a little boring for him. 


Mostly H&M (clothes run huge) and Old Navy! Old Navy has had killer 50% off deals recently so I’ve been buying a lot from there.

Then Kyte Baby for pajamas! Seriously so soft. 

I also really like Janie and Jack but it’s a little more pricey.


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If you have any questions or something you want me to address next time – let me know!

