Welcome Back!

Happy Friday! I hope you all had a great week. I’ve been really bad about writing these monthly updates for Teddy, so I wanted to make sure I actually got this one out. Last week, Teddy turned 7 month and it’s just so wild to me how fast everything is going by. I look back at his newborn photos and it’s like “who is that baby????” because he has changed so much. I swear I blinked and he went from being a sleepy newborn to a full on teenager lol. Kidding of course, but he is just so active, sweet and full of life.

We’re a little late to the game, but we’ve finally started him on solids. He has two teeth and is currently working on his third. He found his voice around five months and let me tell you, this boy has a lot to say lol. Sometimes he just looks at me so seriously, blabbing away like, “Don’t you understand what I’m trying to tell you?!?” lol. His favorite word is “Dadadada” which is super annoying because clearly Colton loves it but the truth is, I don’t think he has any idea what he’s actually saying.

We’re not completely sitting on our own yet, but we’re super close and standing is still he favorite thing. He’s also rolling all over the place and is never in the same place I leave him. Needless to say, I’m dreading the day he is actually mobile bc this kid is never still. When I’m changing or dressing him.. I swear it’s like I’m changing/dressing an octopus lol. He moves and rolls all over the place! His little laugh and side smirks absolutely melt my heart though and sometimes he smiles so big that it takes up his whole face. Oh my gosh and his hair!! It’s getting so long!

Still sleeping through the night, which I’m so thankful of (shout out Taking Cara Babies and her sleep training course) and we’re getting better at naps! His schedule has changed, but I’ll go more into that below!


If you saw the photo I shared on stories last week, then you know we’ve been struggling a little bit in this department lol. He definitely shows a lot of interest but when it comes down to actually trying food… he’s like not exactly here for it.

I knew I was supposed to slowly start him on solids around 4 months but I honestly just wasn’t really ready for that… I didn’t think this was something I had to worry about until he was at least 1 and he just seemed so young… so I have been in no hurry but we’re actually taking it seriously now.

We’re mainly doing baby led feeding but also doing some purees. My mom actually just bought this for me, so I’m excited to try out some recipes for him!

Our biggest issue though is getting him to sit in the high chair and actually swallow his food. Some things we have tried that have really helped are feeding him in his bouncer, doing at least 2 mins of playtime in his chair a day and giving him water in between bites! He lovesss water it turns out! Our friend recommended this little silicon cup for us and it has truly been the best!


  • Play music/nursery rhymes to make it a “fun” environment
  • Before going straight into a high chair, try introducing food to him in a bouncer, car seat or other seat they like sitting in first!
  • 2 mins of ‘happy time” in high chair each day
  • Water in-between bites (we bought him this cup)
  • Baby led feeding over purees
  • Don’t force anything, food before one is for fun!


  • @feedinglittles 
  • @babyledweanteam
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While we don’t 100% follow a schedule anymore and instead really just follow his sleepy/hunger cues, we still use the one below as a general guideline but always adjust where needed.

7 Month Old Schedule

  • 8:00 – Wake Up/Change
  • 8:30 – Feeding
  • 9:30 – 10:30 – Playtime
  • 10:30 – Nap
  • 11:30 or 11:45 – Wake Up/Change/Play
  • 12 or 12:30 – Feeding
  • 1:00 – Play
  • 2:00 – Nap (normally have to give him half an ounce to get him down)
  • 4:00 – Wake Up/Change/Play
  • 4:30 – Feeding
  • 5:00 – Play
  • 6:00 – Short Nap
  • 6:30 – Wake Up/Change/Play
  • 7:30 – Maybe a bath/Start getting ready for bed
  • 8:00 – Final Feeding
  • 8:45 – Normally down

For our original new born schedule – click here! The biggest difference is that we dropped a feeding and a nap.


What are some of his favorite teethers and toys? How do you keep him occupied!!!

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Are you still in the SNOO?

No!….but also yes? The thing is, he is completely transitioned out of it but he is still technically sleeping in it because his crib was just delivered and we’re still waiting on the mattress… so while we no longer are using it’s rocking feature or even putting him in the sleep sack, he’s still “technically” in the SNOO.

We’re actually packing it up to send back this week though and will have him sleeping in his pack’n’play until the mattress arrives so we do not get charged for February.

Did you have hard time transitioning him out of the SNOO?

Not at all. Every baby is different but I think because we always had him sleeping with his arms out and only used the rocking motion when we had too that it was an easy transition.

What Crib did you end up going with?

The Filmore 4-in-1 Convertible Crib from Pottery Barn!

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Favorite places to get Baby Boy clothes? It’s so hard!

Truly, so hard! It’s really not fair lol but we have had a lot of luck with Old Navy, Janie Jack, H&M, Ralph Lauren (always on sale at Saks & Macy’syou just have to keep checking)

Then for pajamas, these we love these from Old Navy, anything from Kyte (so soft) and Kissy Kissy (also super soft).

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If there is anything else you’d like to know that I didn’t cover, leave a comment in the comments sections below!




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