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I’m not going to lie, I’m oddly way too excited about this blog post. Not only because I spent way too much time putting it together but because I actually take my rom-com choices very seriously. Maybe a little too seriously? But just like in real life, I have standards. Anyways, I thought this would be a fun post for everyone as we go into Valentine’s Day weekend. You’ll notice very quickly that I show favoritism to movies that feature Meg Ryan, Julia Roberts, Katherine Heigl, Cameron Diaz, Reese Withspoon, Kate Hudson, and Rachel McAdams…. but what can I say? I know what I like.
My criteria for what made this list and what didn’t was oddly very cut throat lol but at the end of the day, I had a very certain type of movie in mind when making it. It’s for the ones that never old, have aged well, haven’t been over played, aren’t super corny and all around make me feel happy and wholesome. Some of these rom coms you may have forgotten about, have never seen/have only heard about or have seen a million times! This list probably also just really shows my age lol but either way, they’re all fantastic choices and you can’t go wrong with any of them.
Lastly, all the movies are listen in alphabetical order because I didn’t want to show favoritism.
Everyone’s Most Loved Rom-Coms & Where You Can Watch Them

10 Things I Hate About You
One of the few movies I know word for word, from start to finish, down to even its sound track. It taught me a lot about life, love (the difference between like & love all thanks to a prada backpack metaphor) and what I **thought** hs would be like in the worst/best kind of way. It made me fall head over heels in love with Heath Ledger and low key be disappointed in every date I’ve ever been on bc none of them have been to a water ballon paint ball park.
Rent on: Amazon
Watch on: Disney+

27 Dresses
Some buzzfeed journalist try to say this movie hasn’t aged well but I personally love it and kindly disagree. I think it’s adorable, light hearted and no matter how many times I’ve seen it, it’s just as cute as the first time. While I do think her sister was the woat (you know, the worst of all time) she did have incredible style. Also, you can’t tell me that after watching this movie, you didn’t low key dream about being stranded in a town with your crush, getting drunk in a random bar,
falling in love. Tryyyyy and tell me that fantasy never crossed your mind.
Watch on: HBO Max

About Time
This movie is not talked about nearly enough but if you haven’t seen this master piece of a film – do yourself a favor and add it to your list! It’s starts out kind of slow, is honestly a little too long and actually has nothing to do with Rachel Mcadams but is so freaking good. It will make you laugh, cry and teach you a few important life lessons along the way. I promise, it’s worth a watch! Even Colton liked it – which says a lot.
Watch On: Netflix

Crazy, Stupid, Love
A fan favorite for him and her. It’s really funny and truly more of a comedy than a romcom but still gives you all the feels.
Watch on: HBO Max

Definitely, maybe
This movie, surprisingly is Colton’s all time favorite movie and I love him for it. Obviously, it’s a movie about falling in love, but it’s also how each relationship shapes you into the person you are and the seasons you go through in life. So cute and the cast is fantastic.
Watch on: Amazon & Peacock

Dirty Dancing
I actually watched a documentary on Dirty Dancing not long ago and it was wildly interesting. The music used throughout the film cost more than the whole movie combined and each scene was written specifically with a certain song in mind. Nobody wanted to fund it and they literally made nothing off of it (& still don’t to this day – Im talking no royalties) which is mind blowing to me considering it’s one of the most famous/incredible movies of all time. Also very progressive, right??? Anyways, every time I watch it, I can’t help but be low key bummed summer vacation spots like this no longer exist, that my first love wasn’t Patrick Swayze and we didn’t spend the summer sneaking behind my parents back while he taught me to dance because “no body puts baby in a corner” #swoon
Watch on: Hulu

Home Again
Ok – this movie is not talked about enough!!! It’s so, so, so, so cute!! It’s about a mom/recent divorcée (aka Reese), who agrees to let three aspiring film makers (who just so happen to all be young and attractive) move into her guest house. Not so shockingly enough, a romance is sparked with one of the guys and she finds herself falling for someone half her age. It’s so cute and while this next observation has nothing to do with the movie, her house that’s featured in the film is everything of the sort. All of the alfresco style dinners she has there is literally what dreams are made of.
Watch on: Netflix

How to Lose a Guy in 10 *Days
The Rom Com of all Rom Coms. The yellow dress of all yellow dresses. I can’t be the only one who wanted to be Andi when they grew up, right??. Double points if you also tried to replicate her yellow dress for either homecoming or prom. Mine was for sophomore homecoming and no I will no share the photos.
Rent on: Amazon
Watch on: Peacock

It’s Complicated
Low key one of my favorite movies – E! actually plays it all the time and it’s such a treat. I know it’s not your typical rom com featuring young, hot actors but it’s the best. I absolutely love Meryl Streep in it (randomly John Krasinski too) and that it shows the bitter sweet reality of “what goes around comes around” when Meryl starts an affair with her ex-husband who is currently married to the mistress he left her for 10 years prior. Talk about sweet, sweet justice.
Watch on: Peacock & Amazon

Keeping Faith Alive
A super cute 1990’s romcom about two best friends (one a rabbi, one a priest) who both fall in love with the same girl. She’s someone from their past that has not only grown up to be beautiful, but super successful as well. It’s a messy story about, faith, friendship and temptation but so cute. I actually completely forgot about this movie until recently. It’s one of those that I watched when I was really young and completely forgot until seeing it for the first time as an adult.
Watch on: HBO Max

Love Actually
Not going to lie, I actually hate 75% of the characters featured in this star studded film and yet, I can’t help but watch it every single time it comes on TV. They all literally make me so angry but none-the-less, if you haven’t seen it, it’s an absolute must. At the same time, you could wait to watch it until the next holiday season and catch it playing on E!
Rent on: Amazon

Life As We Know It
If you haven’t seen this super underrated Katherine Heigle, Josh Duhamel film – then add it to your list! The main characters are complete opposites and actually hate each other but are forced to put their differences aside when their best friends tragically die in a car accident and they’re both named the legal guardians of the baby girl left behind. It’s a tear jerker but oh my gosh, it’s soooooo good.
Watch on: HBO Max

My Best Friends Wedding
I love this movie and everything about it. I find Michael (aka her best friend getting married) sooo dreamy, baby Cameron Diaz was the cutest/so innocent and even though Julia Roberts character was the worst, she was actually super relatable. I mean, we’ve all been there in once way or another. You know, watching the person you friend zoned for so long, move on from you, fall in love with someone else and ultimately cause you to show your crazy. Like I said, super relatable.
Stream on: Amazon

No Strings Attached
Since two rom coms centered around the infamous ” friends with benefits” concept came out within months 6 months from each other, I decided I could only choose one and “No Strings Attached” was the winner. Not only because it came out first but because I all around just enjoyed it more. Not to mention, I’d choose Ashton over Justin any day. Especially since Justin is currently on my sh**t list via the recent Britney Spears documentary.
Watch on: PrimeNow (included)

Notting Hill
I watched this classic for the first time on a plane last year and oh my gosh – what a treat!!! Julia Roberts was the original queen of Rom Coms and when you mix that, with Hugh Grants charm, you get romcom gold. She’s a movie star, he’s a the owner of a small bookstore in london. They meet, fall in love – it’s a master piece.
Rent on: Amazon

Failure to Launch
Love both SJP and Matthew McConaughey in this!! Anyone else not realize Bradley Cooper was in this the first time around?? Anyways, it’s about a full grown, adult man, still living at home, whose parents hire SJP to date him in hopes she can convince him to move out. It’s kind of her specialty of her but of course they fall in love, the tragedy he experienced is revealed, drama unfolds and, well….you know the drill.
Rent on: amazon

Pretty Woman
Probably one the most loved rom-coms of all day. From Julias infamous polkadot dress, to the infectiously real life laugh she cries out when Richard Gere pretends to close the jewelry box on her – the movie is iconic. If you haven’t seen Pretty woman, it’s essentially about a prostitute and a wealthy business man who meet while he’s in LA for business. It’s truly everything.
Watch On: Amazon; & Disney+

Runaway Bride
Another Julia Roberts masterpiece and your daily reminder to never settle in life and that it’s worth waiting for the right person. It’s wholesome, sweet and timeless. Not to mention, one of the few already on Netflix lol.
Watch on: Netflix & PrimeNow (included)

Hands down, the most influential, favorite rom com of my life. While my thoughts on it have changed a bit over the years (like I would have killed Jon if I were his fiancé) and see all the characters much differently than my 8-year-old self did…any early 90s baby will agree that this movie was life changing. It made you believe in love, that everything happened for a reason and that your true love was out there.
Watch on: Amazon

Sleepless in Seattle
Another one I only chose to watch, due to being a “classic” but ended up completely falling in love with. It’s about a new widower (Tom Hanks) who meets/falls in love with a newspaper writer (cue Meg Ryan) and it’s all about their long distance relationship, following your heart and proving that it’s possible to find love again… even after experiencing total loss and heartbreak.
Watch on: PrimeNow (included)

Something’s Gotta Give
The first time I watched this movie, I was definitely way too young to fully understand the concept of it. Yet, at the mere age of 11 years old, I could appreciate Diane Keatons style, I knew that having a beach house in the Hamptons was ultimate life goals and that dating someone in their 60’s, while in my 20’s would never be something I would do. As an adult, I still agree with all of those things and the movie itself is one of my all favorites.
Watch on: Prime Now (included)

Sweet Home Alabama
Fun fact: Sweet Home Alabama is my all time most favorite movie. Like if I **had to** pick -this would be it. I love every Reese Witherspoon movie but this one in particular hits home for me. **No pun intended** I love New York City, fashion designer/socialite Melanie – I love small town Alabama, Fellony Melanie. I love everything about it.
Watch on: Hulu

The Holiday
Have you ever just wanted to pack up and leave your current life? Maybe switch lives with someone else? Well that’s exactly what Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet do in the Holiday. Leaving every girl day dreaming starting over and moving to the English countryside and getting cozy with Jude Law.
Watch on: Netflix

The Notebook
The one that really no introduction. I think we can all agree that The Notebook is the love story of all love stories and I’ll be honest, it makes me cry every single time I watch it, except…low key…and don’t come at me for this… but after watching it as an adult a few times, I’m kind of more Team Lon than Team Noah.
Watch on: HBO Max

The Proposal
A fan favorite for everyone and I think that’s because it’s not over the top “lovey“. I’d consider it more “com-rom” than a “rom-com“, you feel me?
Watch on: Hulu

The Ugly Truth
Both cute and funny! For some reason, this movie gets put in the category as one of Katherine Heigls “worst movies” and I just do not agree. At the same time though, I love Gerard Butler, so maybe that makes me biased. Anyways, it’s cute, light hearted, funny, and a little raunchy at times. It’s one both you and your guy can watch and laugh through together.
Watch on: Netflix

To All The Boys I Loved Before.
I almost didn’t put this one on here bc I hated the second one so much but decided I had to give credit where credits deserved. I actually read the whole series years ago and just loved it. Then when the movie came, while it wasn’t totally the same, I was still so impressed. It’s light hearted, innocent, not overly corny and will shamelessly give you butterflies like you’re 16 again. Peter Kavinsky is a dream boat – What can I say.
Watch on: Netflix

Under the Tuscan Sun
A typical (but, super cute and timeless movie) about finding yourself while also falling in love. It also just so happens to take place in Tuscany. What a dream.
Watch on: PrimeNow (included)

Valentines Day
A little corny at times but I’ll admit I love this star-studded cast. Just like Love Actually, it follows multiple love stories **on valentines day**, how they’re all intertwined and the lessons you can learn from each one. Super cute!
Watch on: HBO Max

What Happens In Vegas
“What’s yours is mine – baybyyyy” – Kid you not, I say this to Colton at least once a day lol but that’s marriage for you. What Happens is Vegas is true romcom gold. It never gets old and is one all guys like as well!
Watch on: Amazon

When Harry Met Sally
This is one that I had heard about literally my entire life but never actually saw until recently. It’s a classic and everyones favorite for a reason. It answers the infamous question, “Can you still remain friends after sleeping together?”
Watch On: HBO Max

You’ve Got Mail
If you’ve ever fallen in love with or felt a connection with someone that you’ve talked to online (or through text) without ever actually meeting – then you’ll love this classic 90s rom com. Also, wth happened to Meg Ryan? Where is she?? Has anyone seen her???
Watch on: HBO Max
13 Going on 30 | HBO Max |
After (The Trilogy) | Netflix |
Bridget Jones | HBO Max |
Cinderella Story | HBO Max |
Just Go With It | Netflix |
Love & Other Drugs | PrimeNow (included) |
Made of Honor | PrimeNow (included) |
Rumor Has It | HBO Max |
Safe Haven | Netflix |
She’s All That | HBO Max |
Something Borrowed | Netflix |
The Lucky One | Netflix |
The Perfect Man | HBO Max |
The Wedding Planner | Peacock |
Wedding Crashers | HBO Max |
What Women Want | HBO Max |
Have a favorite that I’m missing???
Let me know in the comments section below so that I can add it to my list to watch!! Have a great weekend!