Last week, my baby boy turned nine months (insert crying emoji) and I honestly don’t know how I feel about it. The past nine months have truly flown by. Our new favorite thing to do is to look at old pictures of Teddy and compare them to him now lol. I look back at some of the pics and I’m like “Who’s that baby??? Because that’s not my baby lol“.
I will say that this 7-9 month age range has been my favorite with him thus far! He is just so much fun. Since our last update, he officially moved from the SNOO into his big boy crib (snoo review here), he got to celebrate his first Valentines Day and even got to see snow for the first time in the snowpocalypse lol. We’re down to only two naps a day (I’ll share his schedule below) which leaves us a big awake time from 5:00 – 8:30pm. During this time he’s in such a good mood and it has been so fun!! We really like to take him on afternoon walks and have ever been able to enjoy taking him out for more early dinners as well! It’s good for all of us to get out and socialize a bit.
The biggest milestones we’ve hit since his seven month update would be having him finally be able to fully sit up on his own and he literally just started “army” crawling last week! If we’re being honest, while I’m proud of him, I secretly hate how mobile he’s becoming because I know it’s only going to get worse from here lol. He also just learned how to pull himself up to stand, so we’re in the process of moving his crib down to the lowest level and OH MY GOSH, HE HAS EIGHT TEETH. It’s wild. Our pediatrician was honestly shocked when she saw him because most babies have maybe one tooth by this time but homeboy has eight and it’s absolutely terrifying.
A few other things… He loves to say “hi” and “Dada” is still his favorite word. We’re working on “Mama” but he just isn’t getting it. He also started making the silliest face a month or so ago where he scrunches up his nose and huffs/puffs very sternly. Our pediatrician said it’s his way of showing frustration but it’s honestly just the cutest thing I have ever seen. I’ll have to try to get it on camera for ya’ll!
Lastly, he officially started holding his bottle and feeding himself on his own and let me tell yall, it’s absolutely breaking my heart. At first I was pumped for it bc sometimes it’s kind of nice having him be able to do it on his own but now that he prefers to hold it and doesn’t want to be held/fed like a baby just kills me.
His feet, standing on the porch swing and watching the cars go by. Going on walks and really just being outside in general. Playing PeekaBoo, rolling around on the ground and crawling to every thing insight/chewing on his toys. Pulling mommy’s hair (lol iykykyk), playing in his activity center, playing with his stand-to-walk pusher, swinging in his new swing, dancing, and laughing at funny faces lol.
Current Favorite Foods
- Morning Oats with banana and cinnamon
- Mush Avocado and Banana w/ flaxseeds
- Chicken Nuggets – literally just one tho lol (we buy this brand from Whole Foods and he lovesss)
- Sweet Potatoes
- Ground Turkey
- Roasted Bellpeppers
- Scrambled eggs
- Sautéed broccoli
- Apples
- Pears
- Oranges
- Edamame
- Peanut Butter
If you remember from his seven month post, we really struggled with starting him on solids but two months later we are cruising right along. For the most part, we really don’t have a specific plan that we’re following. We just pretty much let him try whatever we’re having. I’ll mush it up and cut it into super tiny pieces for him but then I also like to make pureed food for him as well! I have a Beaba Babycook and it literally makes cooking your babies food so easy! It steams and purees whatever your making in one spot and is super easy to clean. Highly recommend! Then anything I make in advance to freeze, I like to store in these glass containers.
My thoughts on deciding which foods to give him really just depends on what I think sounds good and would want to eat. For example, I don’t like beats or peas… so why would I try to make him eat something even I wouldn’t like? So instead, I’ll give him something I do like, for example edamame pease! Plus, he might as well get used to my cooking now because it’s what he will be eating for a very long time.
Starting Solids Must-Haves
- 8:00 – Wake/Change/Cuddle
- 8:30 – Feed (8oz bottle)
- 9:00 – Practice Solids
- 9:30 – 10:30 – Playtime
- 10:30 – Nap
- 12:00 – Wake Up/Change/Play
- 12:30 – Feed (8oz+ bottle)
- 1:00 – Play
- 2:00 – Snack
- 2:30 – Nap
- 4:30 – 5:00 Wake/Change/Play
- 5:30 – Feed (8oz bottle)
- 6:00 – Play
- 7:00 – Practice Solids (eats whatever we’re having)
- 7:30 – Start Bedtime Routine
- 8:00 – Final Feeding (5oz bottle)
- 8:30- 8:45 – Lights Out
Next update will be for his 1st Birthday!!!!
**excuse me while I go cry**