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I originally shared a version of this photo Instagram stories, but since I wasn’t able to link all of the pieces on there (they give us a limit) I decided it was the perfect opportunity to share/talk about my favorite swim picks for this summer on here!

First and foremost, seamless swimwear is where it’s at. I’m not sure if this is a universal experience or not (& this maybe weird but) if you’ve ever found yourself looking in the mirror, while standing in your underwear and thought, “I look/feel good!!”. Then to only put on your swimsuit with that same confidence and immediately feel/look completely different… you’re not alone.

What you want to look for are seamless swimwear brands though. A few of my favorites that I’ve found are Skatie, Andies, Toast, & Dippin Daisy. While they aren’t 100% as seamless, they are as close as it gets and are super flattering.


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Keep in mind, this is specifically for my body type and swimsuits I would actually (& most I already have) purchase!

Swimsuits that are comfortable, flattering for the lower belly, are family friendly-ish (in terms backside coverage) and ones that I can run around/swim with Teddy in.

So far I have bought, 1 // 2 // 3 // 5 // 9 // 11 & 12


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Normally, I wouldn’t buy this many swimsuits in a single summer, but we’re going to Hawaii in July and if were being honest, I haven’t felt 100% comfortable in my body ever since having Teddy. It’s weird because I’m more confident, appreciative and kinder to my body then I’ve ever been, but when it comes to being in a swimsuit… my confidence just kind of dips and I want to feel good while we’re there.

I don’t have time to be tugging, hiding or feeling insecure.

So there, lol. That’s not the point of this post, but I figured it was important to mention. When everything I’ve ordered does start to arrive though, I’ll be sure to share/try on the ones I decide to keep!

Until next time!
