Category: Beauty

How To Hide Your Hangover

   It’s officially the Holiday’s people! Which, we all know means Holiday party after Holiday party after Holiday party. Aka – wine, spiked cider, more wine, cocktails, and in my case, mostly champagne.     &&& to be completely honest, I…

Monthly Beauty Buys

Hey everyone! It’s Friday again, yay! I’m so excited to just be home this weekend. Our weekends pretty full already, but I am hoping we have a little down time too. Anyways, just incase you find yourself in the beauty…

Fall Nail Polish Trends

I once read something that said, “one of the best things you can do, is pick one color nail polish, wear it for a year, and it will become your staple. When people see a certain nail color, they automatically…

Favorite August Beauty Buys

Good Morning All! I hope you all had a great weekend! Since it is the last day of the month, I wanted to share with you guys my favorite beauty purchases I made during August. Some are new and life changing…