Last year, a few days after New Years Eve, Colton and I were talking to my mom about our festivities and reminiscing on 2014. In the midst of the conversation, Colton said “I feel like we didn’t do anything in 2014, nothing really happened…..”. My mom’s mouth about dropped to the floor after this comment! In 2014 we went to Cabo for spring break, we both graduated from Baylor, moved into out first “big kid” apartment, Baylor opened the new stadium, we spent a week in the Bahamas and in LA for the first time.
&&& he said we did nothing!
Well this conversation really made me think, and has been really heavy on my heart for the past year. So much happens throughout the year that we tend to forget about everything that we experienced. Especially the things that made us smile! I also think it’s easier for people to focus on the negative aspects of their year, instead of all of the happiness they shared.
Which is why, I decided to start making these “Memory Jars”!
It’s basically a jar that I can keep on my desk that will hold all of my favorite memories! Every time something big happens (like a trip!), or even something small (like a really sweet date night), if it made me smile, I will write it down, sign the date on it, and put in the jar.
Then on the first day of the New Year, I’ll bring out the jar, and one by one read all of the memories from the past year!
I loved the idea so much that I made these jars for Colton’s family and each of my parents for Christmas, that way they could start the tradition as well They were super easy to make too! I picked up the mason jars, a pack of pretty ribbon, and the chalk stickers at Michaels. All for like under $6 a jar.
Then I went ahead and cut a whole bunch of pieces of pink paper that I already had and put them in an envelope that I can keep in my desk drawer. That way, it’s not a hassle when I go to put a memory in the jar!
I want this to be a tradition that I do throughout the years of my life. One that really sticks, ya know?? I’m already excited to open up my jar in 2017 to reflect on everything that will have happened!
If you guys have a similar tradition that you would like to share, I would love to hear them!!!
Lauren… There are 40 moments in an hour. (One moment is ninety seconds) Great new tradition for a new year.
Love it Kelly!
Well – my jar is full……