The 12 Week BBG Challenge Is Over. Now What?


Top: Pure Lime (The most comfortable sports bra I have ever worn) | Leggings: Alo Yoga | Shoes: Nike Air Presto| Sunglasses: Ray Ban

This is the last week of the 12 Week BBG Challenge and I am so proud of all of you guys who have been completing the challenge with me! I have loved chatting with you guys over Snapchat and Instagram on all of ya’lls progress and daily accomplishments. If you are new to LtoL, and do not know what BBG is, I’ll fill you in real quick. I have been following Kayla Instine’s BBG fitness program since April of 2015. The work outs are hard, but the results are amazing. Just check out Kayla’s Instagram here and see for yourself. Since starting this program, I have become more confident, I am stronger than I have ever been before, and I treat myself better than I ever have. I used to be very critical of myself, but this program has taught me to love my body. My favorite thing about the program though, is the community of women it has built around it. The #bbgcommunity is real and it is strong. I’ll post all of my BBG posts below!


Why I Love Kayla Instin’es BBG Program

15 Steps To Conquer BBG 


BBG 2.0 Review 

BBG 3.0 Review 

A Week In The Life Of BBG

Anyways, with the program coming to an end, I have been getting a lot of questions asking “What’s next?”. One thing I will tell you that is not next, is stopping and going back to old habits. You’ve worked hard these past 12 weeks, you don’t want to quit just because the “challenge” is over. Now it is up to you to continue with the lifestyle. 

Personally, I think you have three options. 

Continue with the program. Go onto week 13! Then go to 14, 15 ,16 and so on! The program always goes in 12 week cycles, so weeks 13-16 will be lower reps/intensity and then you will work your way up to week 24 just as you did working your way up to week 12 this time.  

Repeat the program. I did this two times before moving onto week 13! This was before the app came out and I didn’t want to purchase the new ebook, so this is what worked best for me at the time. If you think you’re hurting yourself by not going onto week 13 or if you feel like your taking the easy way out, that is not true at all! When I started this 12 Week Challenge with the BBG community, I was on like week 54 and starting from week 1 was just as hard as it was the first time. 

Take With You What You Have Learned. The program is designed to help you learn how to workout correctly. To teach you moves that work, moves that engage your core, burn fat and the importance of getting your heart rate up. The program has taught me is to push myself. Before the program, I was already very into weight lifting and cardio. But then once I started the program, I quickly realized what I was missing in my previous routine. I was missing that extra push. I learned that it is more effective to workout as hard as I can and really push myself for 30 minutes as opposed to not working out as hard and doing it for an hour. 

So What am I going to do? 

I’ll be honest, I am not 100% sure yet. I’m in between continuing with the program or taking a mini break from it for two weeks or so. This mini break won’t mean I am taking a break from working out though. This just means I will probably do the “take what I have learned” approach. If I do take the break, it is not because I do not love the program, because I do! I have just been doing it for almost two years and I think it is important to mix it up sometimes to avoid getting burnt out. 

I’ll let you guys know though and if you have any questions on the program, please do not hesitate to email me! 





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