

{ femme tee // similar coat // earrings // jeans // heels (on sale) }

Good Morning Loves! Happy Monday!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!! 

Ours was really nice and easy going. Friday we went out for a sweet friends Birthday. Saturday I met a friend for a workout class at Equinox, that kicked my tail. Literally, I’m still so sore. Colton and I went to our favorite Saturday morning breakfast spot, enjoyed the beautiful day, and had a few glasses of wine on the patio at Tiny’s before heading out to listen to my stepdads band play. Then Sunday we just went to church and hung out at our place with my mom all afternoon before watching the Golden Globes. We did just enough, without it being over the top. 

We traveled so much last year that I forgot how nice it is to be home and spend a weekend in Houston. Plus, the weather was unreal. Its times like these that I am glad we live in Texas and not in the North East.

Like, whatheheck is a bomb cyclone-lol. 

Anyways, a few days ago, I was in Nordstroms returning items from Christmas when I ran across this tee that read Femme. I went into Nordstrom with the intention of not impulse buying something because, (cough, cough) I just left my day job haha, but this shirt really hit home for me. 

Femme is the French word for Woman. Woman, wife, sister and daughter. 

This is the year of women and even though I am not doing anything extraordinary to make a difference, to me, this shirt is my small movement. Me saying, I am women. A small piece of support to those who are making a difference. 

Women are shattering the glass ceiling everyday. It’s the time of the #MeToo movement. Speaking up for whats right and  knowing our worth. 

It’s a really empowering and amazing time to be women. Women are stronger than ever and that’s really exciting. 

As Oprah so proudly said last night at the Golden Globes , “A new day is on the horizon”. 

Have a great rest of your week loves! 




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  1. Rachel wrote:

    This look is so perfectly casual and adorable!!

    Posted 1.8.18

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