Friday Frills

Friday Frills


top ($35) // jeans // sandals // purse // raybans 

Happy Friday Friends! 

We made it to the weekend again! I’m not going to lie though, our weekend started a little early this week.

Monday and Tuesday I was (so) terribly sick but thank goodness I started to feel better by Wednesday because my best friend from New Orleans flew in that afternoon and was staying with us. We originally tried to make plans but ended up having a major girls night filled with lots of wine, cheese and face masks.

Then last night we had the Rodeo Cookoff (so fun!!) and tonight we have our sweet friends wedding downtown!  

The rest of the weekend will be up in the air, but I feel like I’m going to need a nap in between there somewhere lol. 

Anywho….. a few things! 

  1. As of last night, it is officially Rodeo Season here in Houston and you can bet your boots I wore my favorite double buckle belt to the cookoff!
  2. Speaking of the Rodeo – read this post on how to choose healthier food options at the Rodeo this season. 
  3. Wednesday I shared my full guide to this spring seasons hottest trends. If you haven’t seen it, trust me – you want to check it out!
  4. This top is my new favorite weekend shirt!!! Seriously, I’ve already overworn it. 
  5. I found my favorite leopard mules here and on sale in every size!!! 
  6. Want brighter and clearer looking skin?? Then check out this post
  7. We’re pretty sure I caught the flu over the weekend & I swear this tea helped cure it
  8. Click here to read 5 random facts about me
  9. This is the top ($35) I wore on my birthday that you all loved so much. 
  10. If you want to try a new restaurant in Houston this weekend, then run to Emmaline’s

Have a great weekend babes! 




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